Atticus's JournalChoose the three top things you believe must happen if our democracy is to survive. Now ASSUME that
NONE of them does.
Now answer the question Officer Jim Moran asked Elliot Ness in "The Untouchables": "What are you prepared to do?"
I don't actually expect many responses, but the question IS worth asking one's self.
Ya' cain't fix STUPID!
There's just no cure for stupid and there's no nice word for "dumb"
And we must understand this in the trying days to come
Some are beyond persuading---they refuse to understand
They still attend his rallies where common sense is banned
"I love the poorly educated"! What this really means
Is "I like fools so stupid that they'll dig down in their jeans
And send me their last dollar when I spew another lie
And tell them our great nation is just about to die."
So use what you were born with in that space between your ears
Ignore his pleas for money and don't shed any tears
When, like all would-be dictators, his end at last has come
And recall the lesson we've been taught: "There is no cure for dumb!"
To DeSantis and other education fascists in Florida:
News Flash---everyone WANTS our children to be indoctrinated in their classrooms. We just disagree about what they should be indoctrinated WITH.
We are all for teaching children how to think for themselves. We hope that what they hear in the classroom will reinforce what they've heard at home about truth and decency and honesty and tolerance. And, when it comes to history, we want simply that they be taught "the truth, the WHOLE truth and nothing but the truth".
You and your cult are not AGAINST indoctrination; you're against truth.
RELIABLE HELP WANTED--- If you know the "Right" is right, seeing blood doesn't make you queasy and
you've always wanted to COMMAND respect, we in the "Sunshine State" are actively recruiting real Americans to "wear the blue".
You'll have to take a one day course to learn Florida laws but there's no exam, so---mostly, you just need to do what you in your straight white CHRISTIAN heart know needs doing in order to restore our nation to its pre-BLM greatness.
We assume you have plenty of firearms and you may carry any three while on duty.
Nazi or white power tats are ok if the can be mostly concealed by your duty gear.
Salaries commensurate with experience. ( But, ask us about "bounties" and how they can earn you substantial extra cash!)
To apply for a position with the winning team, contact me at this address: Rhonda Santiss, 1488 Broderbund Road, Tallahassee, FL 66688 or phone 698 9489 (MYT WITY).
I believe it was reported that the DeSantis "event" in Elmhurst, Illinois is strictly for cops. No
one else. Not even cop spouses or family members.
There's a term for that: "gallinaceous guano".
Couldn't think of an inoffensive title for this:
Now, Marjorie Greene is a lass
Who has yet to display any class
She screams and she moans
And she loves to throw stones
From her perch in her house made of glass!
Yesterday I took a walk in the sun and encountered the year's first swirling cloud of "no-see'ums",
the tiny midges that come out of nowhere to be inhaled or trapped behind your glasses if you walk into their space.
Today, I saw the first wasp searching for a nesting spot under the deck railing.
Buds are swelling, crocus greenery edges the flower beds and the blue sky is filled with geese milling around before the real push north begins.
Another precious spring is about to unfurl it's new banner.
As it was in Kenosha and Charlottesville, in Ukraine there are "good guys" and "bad guys".
The difference between Democrats and Republicans?
We support the good guys.
Carry on.
In a funk---
Despair just seems worse
When the sky's blue and the sun
Shines on all but you
Jimmy Carter is one of the few people---outside of family---whose death will cause my eyes
to overflow.
Though his through-and-through goodness make me feel woefully inadequate, I love the man. Never met him, but have admired him since 1976.
More words would be wasted and silly.
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