Atticus's JournalMake no mistake about this: we are watching a coup in real time.
We have one realistic chance to reverse it and that is the election in November. Between this Friday---when all indications are that Trump will be acquitted---and next November, it is likely that several BILLION dollars will be spent to flood the nation's consciousness with pro-Trump and anti-anyone else propaganda. Anyone who opposes Trump---and some who just don't support him "enough"---will risk being smeared, investigated, prosecuted, fired---or worse.
And, if the coup is not reversed in November, democracy in America will have perished. Oh, there will be the pretense of a democracy for a while; until "election" outcomes are so rigidly fixed that everyone agrees they're unnecessary. Since opposition to the Trumps will be akin to treason and blind unquestioning worship of all governmental authority will be rewarded, the septic tank sludge that comprises "the base" will be elevated to positions of power throughout all levels of goverment---federal, state and local. Eager young fascist sycophants will preside over our courts and our "legislature" will be filled by ideologues of mind-numbing ignorance; racism, misogyny and homophobia will be "givens".
If the above is at all repulsive and difficult to even consider, let me ask you a question: half a dozen years into the above described nightmare, what do you think you would give to go back to 2020 and do more, give more, work harder, speak louder, knock on more doors, drive more voters to the polls?
We are currently pre-nightmare. You still have time to do all those things.
Campaign like your way of life---and that of your kids and grandkids---depends on it.
An updated version of a classic by Napolean XIV
"They're Coming To Take Me Away, Ha-Haa!"
Remember when you spoke to the Senate
And we got on our knees
And begged you to shut up
Or else we'd go berserk
Well you yammered anyhow
And then the hearing got much worse
And now you see we've gone
Completely out of our minds
And they're coming to take us away ha-haa
They're coming to take us away ho-ho he-he ha-haa
To the funny farm
Where life is beautiful all the time
And Dershowitz is right next door
But now
He's bound and gagged
And we're happy they took him away!
I agree with Q-Anon!
They are telling their members to drink BLEACH to ward off the coronavirus and I totally agree! Every Q-Anon disciple should "chug a jug"!
"Where we go one, all of us idiots follow!"
Could someone PLEASE throw a butterfly net over Dershowitz? nt
Gee, it almost seems like both parties already know the questions their own
members will ask! Hooda thunkit?
This is something we all know, but maybe a reminder is in order.
If you have enough money, you can buy a poll to "support" anything you want to promote. Period.
And, some who breathlessly post "OMG!-style" poll results are often the equivalents of trolls. I am not talking about "X takes the lead in Blank state!". I am talking about "Y is done for! X leads him/her by 20 points!"
Keep your heads. Trust your common sense. Ask "Who says?" often.
A mini-rant: I suppose this will show that I am, indeed, an unsophisticated fossil, but
I am reasonably sure that the over-arching purpose of being a member of Congress is SUPPOSED to be the service of constituents, NOT getting re-elected no matter how big a whore you have to be. And, yes, on a matter of substance, a part of the job is doing what you know is right, EVEN IF that means likely defeat in the next election.
Joe Manchin never ceases to disappoint. Being from a red state does not "justify" giving
aid and comfort to the GOP neo-fascist asshats! It does not "justify" the obsequious ass-kissing we just witnessed on TV, with Manchin saying "Sure", Hunter Biden would be a relevant witness.
His campaign slogan should be "I'm not really a Democrat, but I play one on TV. "
How bad is he? He thought Dershowitz made sense.
Just a little food for thought:
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit
belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and
again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions;
who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring
greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
-------Theodore Roosevelt
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