blm's JournalMarcus King fans/guitar nuts. He's on Jimmy Fallon tomorrow.
Marvin King
29m ·
Hey yall!! Mrv sez hey!! HAHA. Man my boy is gonna rock the block in NYC Tuesday night on Jimmy Fallon! Me and Lee will be in the audience too, how cool is that!! Support local talent and tune in YALL!!! Channel 4 NBC at 11:30. MY HEART SOARS LIKE A HAWK. Mrv
GOP machine using YouTube 'reaction' videos targeted to black audiences.
They are tipping (as in paying $$) black reactors to feature appearances by Trump, Jordan Peterson, Sowell, and others. The more positively they react the more the wingnuts will subscribe and tip the reactor. The reactors subscription numbers are climbing by the hundreds of thousands.
More reactors will start doing this because its a moneymaker for them. Whether the reactor agrees with the speech or not, it gets out there and disagreement is blunted so as not to offend the people tipping. The clips of some of these reactors agreeing with the Republicans on any part of it will be further spread at social media sites. The reactions will seem legit to an unknowing viewer.
This is how they are going after voters in minority communities, and Id bet that DNC is still unaware.
Frame GOP's watercarrying for 1% as Representation Without Taxation.
GOPs current tax plan for working families is Taxation Without Representation.
Whats the difference between the 1% and DC?
DC gets Taxation Without Representation and the 1% get Representation Without Taxation.
Notes on Alito's blatant hypocrisy on "privacy" rulings.
The Supreme Court has disgraced the institution. Intellectual dishonesty. Alitos draft opinion holds, Roe and Casey must be overturned. Alito says they were egregiously decided without a Constitutional basis. He argues abortion is not mentioned in the Constitution, and by overturning those cases he is also saying there is no Constitutional right to privacy. Both Roe and Casey depended in part on the right of privacy, derived from the 9th Amendment and the Due Process clause of the 14th Amendment. The 9th provides that The enumeration of certain rights should not be construed as denying or disparaging others retained by the people. What are those other rights ? How about contraceptives? This was the issue in Griswold v. Connecticut, 1965, could the state prohibit the sale of condoms ? Relying on the 9th, the Court said no, recognizing that privacy was one of those other rights retained by the people.
Alito joined in the majority opinion in the Heller case. That case held a private individual has a Constitutional right to posses a semi automatic handgun in the house. The case rested its decision on self defense even though self defense , like abortion is not mentioned in the Constitution. There is a rule of judicial construction when analyzing words, they are to be given their plain and ordinary meaning. And the words of the 2nd Amendment, by their plain and ordinary meaning, confers the right to bear arms, in order to have a well regulated militia. These issues, absence of self defense in the Constitution, and ignoring the plain meaning of the 2nd Amendment didnt seem to bother Alito when he supported Heller. But now when the issue is a womans right to choose, he employs an originalist/ textualist approach. I suspect his real reason is not based on a Constitutional basis but on a religious belief that life begins at conception. A personal religious belief that has no place in Supreme Court decisions.
(Retired Legal eagle) William Collins
Jeff Jackson wants you to know the truth about his primary opponent.
The primary is next week and before we get there I just want to take a moment to tell you what I really think about my Democratic opponent:
I think hes a good person, a good father, and has run a positive and honest campaign.
Why say this? Because the politics of phony anger is toxic. We all deserve better.
Im running to be your nominee because I think there are things I can bring to this office that people would value, and I think Ive shown that over the last several years.
Im not running to find new ways to be fake angry. There are plenty of politicians whove got that covered we dont need one more.
The primary is next Tuesday. If you want to see someone in Congress who is excited about our future, someone who runs on what we can accomplish and how much it would mean for people, then Im asking for your support.
The longer public waits for Jan6 hearings the closer to election they'll be
and the more likely they will be dismissed as an election year stunt dramatized for the campaign. No matter how serious the revelations, even casual voters are becoming more cynical about timing and motives. The media is NOT on democracys side.
Congressional Dems are notoriously slow-paced. Please, Dems, dont slow down
.. not this time.
DU beloved poster, babylonsister, consistently posted Eric Boehlert here.
You have not posted today, babysis, and I want you to know we share your grief over the news of his passing. This is one of the toughest days here in 2 decades.
Please let us know you are OK.
West Palm Beach DUers. Anyone know if Tim Byrd died from Covid?
I recently learned of his death and the news articles I read attributed the cause to pneumonia. I knew him very well in Cleveland and NYC and am pretty certain he would keep it on the downlow if he actually had Covid.
Anyone hear anything about it?
Looking for a solid source on report of Chechnya troops going to Ukraine
to support Russia.
Dems have a sure win in the new drawn NC-14.
This district was drawn competitive with a slight R. Jeff Jackson is running.
Hey folks, I'm running for North Carolinas new 14th congressional district.
You deserve leadership that is honest, decent, and hardworking. No corporate PAC money, no stock trading, just a serious approach to our challenges.
This is Day One. Your support now means a lot:
This district is less than a week old. It came to be when our new congressional map reached its final form after an extensive back-and-forth between the courts and the state legislature.
Our family wasn't planning on running for Congress this year - not one bit. But seeing this new district, I told you yesterday that our family would talk about getting into this race during dinner. We did, and theyre all in.
I also invited everyone to reply to our last email with your thoughts about whether we should run. As of this morning, 1,265 of you did - and your encouragement has been overwhelming.
This all happened suddenly - but were ready. We have the support, the infrastructure, and the experience to hit the ground running.
I want to finish what we started last year by making this a campaign you can be proud of.
Were going to talk about a lot of issues - affordable housing, early childhood education, transportation, climate, gerrymandering, and much more - but I want the core of this campaign to be something you can respect because you see an effort that fundamentally respects you.
If thats what you want in a member of Congress, then please make a day one contribution.
Were going to need to build this campaign fast, and our speed is going to come down to the level of your support.
The 14th district includes Mecklenburg - where I serve as state Senator - and Gaston - where I worked as an assistant D.A.
It would be an absolute honor to serve its citizens in the U.S. House of Representatives.
All the Best,
Jeff Jackson
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Member since: 2002Number of posts: 113,937