Cha's Journal"But for Booker, it was too little, too late. It does not benefit his campaign if African Americans
look to the future. It only serves him if they continue to look angrily at the past."From your link.. Thank you.

lol.. Oh Look de Blasio has
picked up a buzzword.. "status quo".. when he's not comparing Beto to trump..
That's what many of us have been saying here..
Black and White!
Thank you, Dahleen Glanton!
Thanks, wyldwolf

Oh Cool!

You just reminded me
of something she said about her primary opponent after she had won the primary.
It was reported she said it on tv.. she had already won and she was smearing her former primary opponent.
Here's the tweet from Sherry Campagna..
This is Vetting.
A Gabbard tweet.. omg..
No it doesn't "sting".. she's a tool. side of Assad and Gabbard in a nutshell..
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard 'skeptical' that Assad regime behind gas attack
I don't think it's too big a deal that she got over 100,000 donors, though.
Yeah, so horrible... going after
his strengths in the most disingenuous ways. What a powder keg.
Thank You for pointing out that..
Biden's leading with POC because of years of his own record and doing an excellent job as President Obama's VP.. so many of us haven't forgotten that.. Black and White
Someone who is independent enough who can pushback and give me perspective and catch any blind spots I may have..
Somebody who in his heart cares about the American People and the American Dream and is willing to fight for them as hard as he can

Oh yeah.. I googled
that but nothing came up.
Another thing that did come up was.. "12 hours ago Bernie Sanders apologized for voting for horrible crime bill.. "
This is what he said then.
On balance, its positive initiatives to control crime outweigh the negatives, Sanders said in an August 11, 1994 speech on the House floor, according to the congressional record. Eleven days later, Sanders was quoted on the front page of the Burlington Free Press calling it "a step forward for Vermont and for the nation in addressing the horrendous problem with crime and violence.
Bernie Sanders has dodged criticism for crime bill vote while others have not

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