Cha's JournalWow.. this caught my eye..
Good for the Obama/Biden Admin!

So predictable from the M$M..
Thanks, Yo

Yes, she said she "didn't think Biden
was racist" and "Voters don't want a food fight.." right before she threw the metaphorical "plate full of Spaghetti" in his face.
Yes, unfortunately it seems to be"deliberate"
because they can't address the article that has Harris' own words that this is "an albatross around my neck".
I ever said one negative word about her before the debate but since it seems fair enough that her history is not buried. I couldn't care less about her "affair with Willy Brown" that's private.. but the "patronage gifts" are public domain.
"As a young, liberal Democratic senator 45 years ago, Biden firmly opposed busing, and he was right
to do so"Haven't there been articles around here that state Busing wasn't that popular back then.. not just with Boston?
Money shot!
But, Reasonable Minds did deny it!

When asked who would be the best leader: Biden 26%, Harris 16%, Sanders & Warren 15%

That's so good to hear.. on the
ground, behind the scenes, reports like this.. Thank You!
I read your post in the Symone Sanders Tweet thread and I had to do a double take.. I thought you would have a Biden pic but you have Kamala's and you were still disappointed in the way she attacked Biden. It was enlightening!
I think President Obama wouldn't be happy about this because he's a Uniter always has been.
Remember this?..
Barack Obama warns progressives to avoid 'circular firing squad'
Excellent points about the Democratic President and Vice President will have to heal our Country and by extension the world.
I think President Obama and VP Biden did a brilliant job of just that.. after the bush-cheney nightmare.
He is getting "dragged".. here's a sample.. for making me look, Kahuna!

Good for Joe Biden and President Obama.. That was
the beginning which.. culminated..
She did get support from the AA
Community.. they both did..
We'll see what happens down the line..
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