Cha's JournalI trust what Congresswoman
Eddie Bernice Johnson has to say about this, having been there, than those trying to tear her down with their own agenda.
Here's something else BS said at the time..
On balance, its positive initiatives to control crime outweigh the negatives, Sanders said in an August 11, 1994 speech on the House floor, according to the congressional record. Eleven days later, Sanders was quoted on the front page of the Burlington Free Press calling it "a step forward for Vermont and for the nation in addressing the horrendous problem with crime and violence.
Thanks, betsuni

I think you're right, quickesst! Booker's gone from
this guy to what he's doing now. I think what he said in the NYT tweet is especially vile.
Cory Booker is sworn in as a U.S. senator in 2013 by then-Vice President Joe Biden. (John Munson |The Star-Ledger)
For Cory Booker, its no more Mr. Nice Guy
Booker, trailing in opinion polls and fundraising, has taken aim at former Vice President Joe Biden, the early frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination.
For almost a month now, he has leveled attacks on Biden that are getting more personal ignoring the rest of the Democratic field as well as his own campaign mantra of emphasizing a positive vision for America
But in being aggressive, Booker runs the risk of losing the brand that made him a contender in the first place. His new stance isnt sitting well with some fellow Jersey Democrats.
Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman, D-12th Dist., said she worried that confrontations between Democrats now will provide ammunition to President Donald Trump later.

I'm so grateful to
Rep Eddie Bernice Johnson, Texas, for endorsing Joe Biden!
Thank You, Rep EBJ!!

Mahalo, TexasT

"This is pretty bad.. ", Goth

Yeah.. I didn't want him to "bow out"..
until he started getting ugly in his attacks. This one is particularly nasty.
You're Welcome, oasis... Aloha and Thank You!
I know.. it's like the Twilight Zone,
Joe Biden has been honored for his work for Civil Rights and championed them for his entire career.. so Booker throws an ugly personal insult at him and brings ******* trump into it?!
All these disingenuous attacks from Booker only makes me realize that I don't l like him. Cory's getting noticed for all the wrong reasons.
ETA~ Biden on Harris' attack..

Yes, Biden had to respond to Booker
with Facts.. he couldn't leave that hanging..
Mahalo, apple
Thanks for that tweet, Skya.. Team
Biden had to respond to Booker's negative attacks with the Facts.. you don't leave something like that hanging.
I just thought of something about Booker.. his girlfriend is evidently Rosario Dawson, who advocated for Jill Stein, in the General Election.. so I wonder if she's giving him any idea about how to attack the front runner opponent?
Rosario Dawson Joins Boyfriend Sen. Cory Booker on the Campaign Trail for the First Time
Just a thought.
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