Cha's JournalMount Denali: A Sacred Name Rightfully Restored

Julie Hirschfeld Davis: Mount McKinley Will Again Be Called Denali
President Obama announced on Sunday that Mount McKinley was being renamed Denali, restoring an Alaska Native name with deep cultural significance to the tallest mountain in North America. The move came on the eve of Mr. Obamas trip to Alaska, where he will spend three days promoting aggressive action to combat climate change, and is part of a series of steps meant to address the concerns of Alaska Native tribes. The central Alaska mountain has been called Mount McKinley for more than a century. In announcing that Sally Jewell, the secretary of the interior, had used her power to rename it,
Mr. Obama was paying tribute to the states Native population, which has referred to the site for generations as Denali, meaning the high one or the great one. The peak, at more than 20,000 feet, plays a central role in the creation story of the Koyukon Athabascans, a group that has lived in Alaska for thousands of years. The White House also announced on Sunday that Mr. Obama was expanding government support for programs to allow Alaska Natives to be more involved in developing their own natural resources, including an initiative to include them in the management of Chinook salmon fisheries, a youth exchange council focusing on promoting an Arctic way of life, and a program allowing them to serve as advisers to the United States Fish and Wildlife Service.
MOre.. & More Pics..
"However, they went around her. James Zogby, co-chair of the Resolutions Committee, led a move to
"prepare a letter of support for the president and the Iran agreement that eventually gained signatures from a sizable majority of the members of the national committee. Zogby said Saturday that, in the end, this produced a satisfactory outcome."We wanted to show support for the president, he said. We found that the best way to show support was a letter that members would sign on to, and the overwhelming majority of DNC members signed onto the letter. This is the President Obama we elected in 2008 who said, I choose diplomacy over conflict, and he did it.

Thank you, still_one.. you are a gem!
However, they went around her. James Zogby, co-chair of the Resolutions Committee, led a move to"prepare a letter of support for the president and the Iran agreement that eventually gained signatures from a sizable majority of the members of the national committee. Zogby said Saturday that, in the end, this produced a satisfactory outcome."We wanted to show support for the president, he said. We found that the best way to show support was a letter that members would sign on to, and the overwhelming majority of DNC members signed onto the letter. This is the President Obama we elected in 2008 who said, I choose diplomacy over conflict, and he did it.
This is what VP Biden has been up to.. being an excellent Veep!
Oh yeah, unfortunately there's a couple more who are fine with goPropaganda on Benghaziiiii!
Ignorantly trying to blame President Obama and Hillary Clinton for this terrible tragedy.
It's the Republicons who Cut Funding for Embassy Security
Jason Chaffetz Admits House GOP Cut Funding For Embassy Security: 'You Have To Prioritize Things'
House GOP, Paul Ryan Cut $400M from Embassy Safety Funding
But, they're carrying water for the gop right here on du.. It says everything about them and nothing about their target.
Oh, of course, they're "upset".. I can relate.. I've been upset about a few things, myself.
But, not about this! Mahalo Gothmog~
Hillary Rodham Clinton with supporters and aides at the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines this month.Credit Eric Thayer for The New York Times
"Mississippi, Virginia and Wisconsin have also signed agreements with the Clinton team, according to two people briefed on the issue who were not authorized to speak publicly. Virginia, a critical general election battleground, is home to Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a close friend of Mrs. Clintons and a former Democratic National Committee chairman."
Hillary is steady as she goes.. laser beam focus on what's important. So much is NOT worth
anything.. especially online Bullshite.
Mahalo jonno!
Forget it, Bernie.. all you do is complain and demagogue. And, now you want the Party you diss
to nominate you? No.
Wanted to Primary President Obama in 2012 too.
He has no fucking idea what all President Obama has accomplished.
Mahalo leftofcool.
"Frankly, Hillary Clinton's pretty goddamn fearless to be putting herself through what was going to
be an inevitable slog through the GOP fake scandal swamp."Thanks Rude and meegbear!
That's their MO.. has been for awhile. They call you a "serial disrruptor" because you have a
different point of view. They can't handle that.
As a another poster said.. "You just called someone a race baiter because you didn't have a logical point to make."
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