Cha's JournalYes, she is, MontanaMama!

Yes! And, Pounding the Drums for
bush's war on Iraq, too.
But, like the tragic manufactured War.. the truth eventually comes out and President Obama was elected twice.
Here's to the pendulum swinging back to reality again.. soon!
This is what stands out for me, too..
"What is also stunning is that it took someone regarded as a mere gossip to write a book like this. Again, for all the good reporting coming out of the mainstream media, the one glaring blind spot it has is still trying to treat Trump like a normal politician. He's not. And Wolff dispenses with that pretense. He shows Trump in all his dysfunctionality and hubris. This Trump is not remaking the Presidency; he's destroying it. Expect journalists to attack Wolff, not to dig in to what he has written and verify accounts."This is extremely important.. trump is anything but Normal.. and the damn media needs to stop acting like he is. They helped get him installed in the first place by covering up his insanity and concentrating on Her Emails.
Mahalo for The People's View, she!

But he sure can tweet up a
gd storm via foxscrews.
Gawd, people are clever!
I can't quite make out that 'toonist at the WaPo but I Thank him!
TY, LCoyote! putin and the Russian Amb on the bottom.. lol
I gotta put that in my journal.
Well, now the whole, sane
world hates DT..
jill pawn stein said trump would be better than Hillay.
Jill Stein Is Starting to Sound a Lot Like Donald Trump
"And in terms of whether she blames herself for Trumps victory, Stein argues that neither candidate was a good choice. There are differences between Clinton and Trump, no doubt, but theyre not different enough to save your life, to save your job, to save the planet, she says. We deserve more than two lethal choices.
Turns out stein was the real lethal choice along with trump.
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