Cha's JournalRt TY, LMPV! Rep Allred's response is
He's For Progress and Unity. NOT Divisive! You know who I'm talkin' about.
Colin Allred wants to WIN the Midterms.. Not trying to Divide the Dems
HELLO is right! Have you seen this Marcus Tweet.., Maur!

Mahalo, she! I know all of us
Would love to see Marcus Flowers beat the Mean Spirited Bully MTG..
I don't donate much anymore but I will Donate to this Patriot
Oh Wow.. I did it.. Campaign Ad!

I HOPE This HAPPENS!💙MTG Won't Be Able to Heckle PJB @ the Next SOTO.. love Marcus Flowers' Optimism!
Very Best of Luck, Marcus!

ETA! Wouldn't that be Justifiable

ETA again.. This Campaign Ad is Excellent!

Yes, Fortunately it went away!..
Sorry, you had to go through must have been awful.
Well, it seems like that's what Vlad is on.. and for what reason. It has to be something big or why is he on the World stage looking like a he's filled up with Helium and Sending Russian Soldiers to Slaughter Pres Zelensky and Ukrainians and Steal Their Country?
I'm betting Pres Biden Knows
More about it than they do.
The Forbes article linked in the tweet is very Informative and Interesting.
It explains why he was able to do this kind of Loan Forgiveness in this Tweet.. I was just wondering about it and this article shows up..
yeah.. They Must Know that President
Biden is Not Authorized to Forgive Student Loans by EO.
Exactly.. It's like you read my mind.
We call them out when they attack Hard Working Dems.
I can Focus on the Winning the MIDTERMS.. Mods Won US Back the House in 2018! in Swing Sates! 💙
I believe it, Cat! I had a strong
feeling it was going to go this way..
I just started reading the SOTU thread.
Mahalo for confirming, Cat.
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