GPV's JournalHappy year of the Tiger! 5x7 watercolor and gouache.
Still hanging in there. So many kids and adults out. I've covered 3 classrooms this week. Hoping I'm
still dodging the covid bullet, but a kiddo in yesterday's class turned around to go home in the morning when a sibling tested positive. I've spent 2 days with that child and who knows how many other eventual first contacts.
I have perpetual allergies, but I'm stuffier and runnier than usual. Also headachy, but I've been herding 5 year olds. No going out for tests today. Maybe tomorrow if things seem worse.
How about everyone else? Are you still avoiding it? Stacking extra duties up left and right? Our teachers will be compensated, but not the support staff, at least not under that agreement. Hopefully that oversight will be corrected since extra duties and subbing tend to fall on support staff shoulders more often because we don't have our own classrooms to manage.
Anyone here have luck with tens therapy for depression, ocd, or for an eating disorder?
I'm thinking of asking my team if I can try it, insurance willing.
Thanks, everyone. Going up on my Lithium.. Fingers crossed I can do
something about the bipolar depression that way. Seeing trauma therapist today.
SOS. Can't take any more of the bp depression, ocd, or binge eating walking. Have
a call into my psych team.
So... Deltacron may now be a thing.
I'm not too excited about it, but neither am I surprised.
Need help w/ a watercolor of my bro's house. He majored in art, so of course I'm plagued by a need
for perfection, punctuated by bursts of ill-timed impulsivity. What else does it need to finish? Shadows on lilac bush? Darker lines around windows and door? Start over because it's a scrubbed to death mess?
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Gender: FemaleHometown: New England
Member since: 2002
Number of posts: 72,945