slater71's JournalAbbott attends fund raiser hours after the school massacre.
Abbott does not care. Money and power are top priorities for people like him. De Santis, Trump, McConnell, Cruz, and others things like this are just an inconvenience that they have to deal with. They are all worthless garbage that must be dealt with as garbage. They are out to control our country forever.
Another republican example as to why the country is like it is.
Yes, another republican idiot from Florida has run his mouth. There are very violent times coming for the country because of people like this who worship De Santis and Trump.
And this is why the country is what it is today.
This fool Gosar said this about the shooting in Texas. When we get rid of people like this, we will take a small step toward getting the country back from the radical Trump republicans.
After his win Hershel Walker said this after he was asked about gun control.
He said, "What I like to do is see it and everything and stuff." That was his answer.
So the women on FOX and Friends just said
That this country has to get back to the way we were right after 9/11. I would like to make some suggestions to her. We might start with her. She was not doing what she does now, which is spewing the lies and hate of the FOX channel for the millions of dollars she makes a year. Donald Trump did not do what he did to this country and the people. No one has done more wrong to the country than Trump. The extreme republicans in congress were mostly not where they are now right after 9/11. the assault rifle ban was still there after 9/11. It was left to expire by the republicans in 2004. So Ainsley from FOX and Friends, these are just a few things to answer your question as to why it isn`t like it was after 9/11. Trump, extreme republicans, FOX, and people like you making millions to allow all of this to not be like it was after 9/11.
There is an NRA convention in Houston this weekend.
There will be no firearms allowed. I guess they are scared of guns. I would have to assume that it is guns that kill people and they know it. They took guns away from people that are coming to the convention so that they would be safe from guns.
14 kids dead and one teacher.
When are we the people going to stop this fucking shit. Texas governor should be removed. Florida governor is following the steps of Texas. He has promised to let people get all the guns they want without checks or licenses. The republicans in congress must be removed before they destroy our country. It`s time for the people to act. Enough is enough.
Gov. DePutin was very busy dictator yesterday. Ron De Putin wont allow students to learn about slavery but
will allow this. On May 9, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed House Bill 395 into law, which establishes November 7 as Victims of Communism Day.
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