slater71's JournalMaybe Rick Scott the RNCs money and left the country.
Still say he copied the papers to hold the country hostage if not elected again.
He had other ideas about what to do with all those classified papers. Most likely to control what happens to him. He knows he is cornered and thinks he can blackmail the country. I will be willing to bet that he has more hidden somewhere.
This is a preview of what the republicans will do everywhere in 22 and 24
Their plan is that it will take months to figure out who won an election.
If this is his official portrait, I hope they dont change a thing.
Look at the size of his left hand compared to his right hand.
1.6 billion given to the republicans by one person.
This is why all donated money should be banned in politics. Also, DeSantis is close to setting some kind of record of money donated to a candidate.
Not only Trump, but DeSantis would do this also.
This is only a small outline if Trump was elected again. He is the most vindictive SOB that ever lived. He would also declare himself the dictator for life because if he left office after four years and he had the trials waiting for him. there is no way in hell he leaves office.
Rick Scott Medicare story from Politic.
It has been reported that his wealth in 2021 was 300 million.
And after all this. he was elected Governor twice and is now a Senator. Doesn't say much for the quality of a candidate that the republicans elect.
The republicans have just now found out who Rick Scott really is?
I lived in Florida at the time Scott did his medicare fraud. The dumb-ass republicans there then elected him as governor. He then started to do some of the same garbage that DeAsshole is doing now. They were so impressed with him that they elected him a second time as governor and then to Senator. So I hope Scott stole money from the GOP because they never learn. They elected a thief three times and then promoted him to a top position in the GOP. Now I hope they get their rewards. These types of people are now the face of the Republican party.
A few things that I believe could happen.
Yes, I believe Trump will be indited.
Trump will run in 24.
He will attempt to draw out his trial until 24.
He will win the election at any cost. The republicans will hold their collective noses and vote for him because their prize is republican rule forever.
He will then declare himself to be dictator for life. There will be no more trials.
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