slater71's JournalWhat these right wing talking heads dont take into consideration.
I know that they know it and they are getting paid to defend Trump at any cost but the biggest factor is that we never had someone as president like Trump. A fascist authoritarian, who does not care about anything or anyone but himself and his power and money. So for them to sit there and say this is unprecedented what they have done to Trump is just bullshit. They have no one to compare Trump to. I pray that the sane people of our country can overcome any and all these dangerous people that are running for office on the Republican side. This is no longer going to be democrats vs republicans ever again. We will have to fight them every election for the very existence of the country that we know.
The DOJ waited long enough.
Who knows what Trump did to material in those boxes all that time.
FOX asked his supporters to calm down.
They said that Trump told them that there could be more bad news coming. Interesting.
They tried subpoenaing Trump before they went for the warrant.
Here is the article as to why they served the warrant.
They never returned the boxes when the government asked for them. Again. Trump wants to do what he wants and he never pays the price.
FOX idiots on Faulkner says Trump was cooperating.
Trump has never cooperated with anyone. There should have never entered talks with his ass in the first place over the boxes of records he took. He should have been told that the FBI was on their way to get them months ago as soon as they knew the records were gone. The hell with talking. He committed a crime and should have been charged and arrested on the spot. Now they found more boxes. Again, he should have been arrested on the spot and charged, Why in the hell are we waiting on stuff like this?
News is reporting shots fired at a FBI office in Ohio.
Can`t find anything in print yet.
I have yet to hear one Trump lover, ask his lawyers to release the warrant.
They are all complaining about how the DOJ is covering up something. Yet they never say that Trump's lawyers release the same warrant. Trump's lawyers won`t release it. I believe that Trump never returned all the boxes when asked months ago which would be exactly what Trump would do, Someone dropped a dime on him and the FBI responded.
They are saying that they took between 7 to 10 boxes out of the pig pen.
Along with the others that were turned over makes about 20 or more. The law says that if anyone that is found with sensitive material or tapes or thumb drives that belong to the government will be fined a 3-year prison term could be imposed. So why has it taken all this time and all these boxes of material found that Trump has not been charged?
McCarthy and his minions. are ass hurt over how Dump is being treated.
They say Trump should have been asked to turn over the records. He was asked for a year and a half. He said that there were ongoing talks to return what was asked for. Why in the hell were they talking with them? They should have said return it, or we are coming for it. They did. Trump has created this so he can cry about how he is being treated. He didn`t complain when his people beat the hell out of the cops on Jan6th. Hopefully, he will cry when they put him in jail and destroy his empire for the rest of his life.
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