slater71's JournalI see that the trump attorney's have a copy of the search warrant.
Then someone should tell FOX and the insurrectionist's in congress that Trump`s attorneys are not going to release it. They have been screaming and demanding that the DOJ release it. Maybe they should because if Trump`s attorneys don`t want to release it, then you know something is in it.
This needs to be put up every where we can.
This crazy-ass dangerous MAGA, insurrectionist cannot be allowed anywhere near the governor`s office in the state of Pennsylvania or it is over for them.
Some MAGA and militias' say its civil war now.
On Twitter and other winger sites, they say they have their stocked-up ammo ready to go to war. So when they start, who is it that they are going to kill? Government people? Or is it the people who have Biden signs in their yards? Maybe it`s people with Biden stickers on their cars. The part I don`t get is that do they really think they are just gonna be walking around shooting people without any opposition? Some of these fools are ex-military. A lot of them are not. When the lead starts flying, they will be pissing their pants and crying for their mommy.
FOX says it was a raid. By 10 oclock it was a raid with machine guns.
They then show two policemen in front of the driveway holding their AR`S.So I guess we have to now assume that AR`S would be illegal to be owned by the general public since they are called machine guns by FOX News who we know is always right.
Tell me again Repubs how Russia did not have anything to do with Trumps campaign.
Trump's buddy says he was in contact with Russia.
He just keeps shoveling the manure
And his fools eat it all and ask for more.
Everything this fool said is exactly what the republicans are doing.
This comes from a man who stole 350 million dollars of Medicaid and medicare money and got away with it. So dangerous these people are. Scott is also the one who has brought up how he thinks something should be done with social security a government entitlement.
Great article in Salon about what Trump could do in another term.
This is some scary stuff.
So let me get this straight.
A teacher gets fired after being at the rally but not at the capitol on the 6th. But a republican is allowed to run for governor of Pa. even though a video shows him on the capital steps.
I guess Garland will not do anything about Trump until after the elections.
He says that they can`t prosecute Trump because it would appear that the election was being interfered with. I guess he does not think that the republicans would not give a damn about an election if it were them prosecuting Biden. It`s bullshit like this that will get this country its first dictator. Again it's the democrats not getting down in the dirt with the republicans to destroy them. We will never defeat them because we have allowed them to defeat us at everything. Maybe it is time to get some Josh Hawley and Jim Jordan-type people in office on our side. At some point, we have to go scorched earth or we are done. Just saying.
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