slater71's JournalThese republicans must not be forgotten to be removed from Congress.
Hopefully, be charged and jailed. They are a cancer to democracy in the country.
Could Trump run as a libertarian?
If Trump sees that he is up against De Santis in the primary, could he change parties and run as a libertarian? It could be a good thing for us because the Republican vote would be split in the general election. I could be wrong. Just asking.
Kavanaugh believes their is a right to interstate travel for an abortion.
How white of him.
Green says school kids should be taught to use a gun.
My God women how do you live with yourself.
And here it comes from the king justice ass wipe Thomas.
Now it really will begin.
Look at what this MAGA ass hat running for Senator in Texas did.
He published this video about hunting R.I.N.Os.
It never is about the people. Its only about Trump and DeSantis.
It is always about their fascist authoritarian beliefs and what they need to do to control our way of life. They are showing what they will do to the people of our country if they ever got control again. They both have shown how vindictive they are. And the only way that Trump can get back at the 8 million people that did not vote for him is to become a dictator for life. The same with DeSantis. He will also become a dictator for life and he is only 43 years old. Both are very dangerous to our democracy and way of life. I hope we can stop them. Otherwise, Steve Bannon will be right when he said " If we win, we will never be out of power again."
DeSantis decides what is best for for young children and the Covid vaccine
According to De Idiot, he did not order the vaccine for Florida because parents were afraid of what could happen to young children under five. I guess it did not occur to this fool that if the parents don`t want to give the vaccine to their kids then they don`t. This is the authoritarian threat that he is if he ever got to the presidency. He decided what the parents do with their kids. Now the parents who want to have their kids vaccinated will probably have to pay for it.
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