Saboburns's JournalMadness. Just.........Madness.
It's 2:30 in the morning and I should be asleep. But I am impelled to write this down first. I must put my thoughst down before I lose this, so I can see them, I have to see this written somewhere as sleep will not come until I do.
Incredible shit happens daily, hourly, by the second. Too much shit. I can't sort it all, process it, ponder its causes and meanings, much less remember it all. I would hate to try and put a percentage on my recollection of massive Trump stories, scandals, lies, and shames. It would embarrass me as how much I've lost, forgotten, moved on from. Too many, too much. I've forgotten way too many, and I don't forget anything. Ever.
No other human may ever read this folly, which is fine, I can't recall having ever written such a folly as this but I am soldiering on. Mainly that I might enjoy the chance to read it again, many years from now and I can remember, remember this always. Forever. This is not an altogether important tale. But it so describes these times, and what times, eh? This story is so 2018. And when I read it again I'll remember.
Here goes:
This is what I witnessed, read, and saw the week of December 13, 2018. This whole farce is just a side show really, just one of many, which will pushed off the news in days, or perhaps hours. But the sheer MADNESS of it all.....
I wish I had better words.
This concerns the Michael Flynn sentencing. Michael Flynn is a retired US Army Lt. General who was among the first to jump on the Trump train. He led the "Lock Her Up" cheers at the rallies. BUT THAT'S NOT IMPORTANT TO THIS STORY. Trump picked him to be his National Security Advisor, which he did, and he lasted but 24 days. He was fired for, well, a bunch of reasons, NONE OF WHICH ARE IMPORTANT TO THIS STORY.
Flynn was, is, and I presume always will be a Deplorable rock star. None higher. "LOCK HER UP". But alas Flynn gets fingered, questioned, subpoened, and then arrested on December 1, 2017. Charged with one felony lying to the FBI. Deplorables brayed, Deplorables stamped, Deplorables were pretty damn mad he got arrested. They begged him to dig in and fight back. Fight back like Donald Trump does they demanded. "It's a witch hunt!"
And this is where this tale starts getting important. Flynn is many, many things. Ignorant ain't one of them. It took Flynn less than 3 days to accept a plea deal from Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller (though we didn't learn fact this til much, much later). In exchange for cooperation in the Russian collusion investigation. Though I don't like calling it that cause there ain't no crime called collusion. Anyway, Flynn jumped at Mueller's offer, and according to Mueller's memo (that came out a week or so ago) Flynn has been extraordinarily co-operatve, and in numerous investigations to boot. Now I figure that that will turn out to be hugely important on down the line, but not so much to this little story. WHAT IS IMPORTANT HERE IS THE FACT THAT FLYNN RATTED OUT DONALD TRUMP. And I think even more important IS THE FACT THAT FLYNN RATTTED HIM OUT HAS BEEN FRONT PAGE NEWS NIGH ON A WEEK NOW. I mean it's a damn big story. YUGE! some might say. That fact it is not a secret, the news talkers talk about it every day, all day. Truth is I like hearing it. Hell's bell's, it's even on Flynn's own Wikipedia page. Flynn appeared in federal court to formalize a deal with Special Counsel Robert Mueller to plead guilty to a single felony count of "willfully and knowingly" making "false, fictitious and fraudulent statements" to the FBI.[18] He confirmed his intention to cooperate with the Special Counsel's investigation. it was broadcasted on every news source, even the WingNut ones. Big story, big news, widely reported.
Now the Madness begins.
After being out of the spotlight for a right around a year the Flynn case once again takes center stage. Since he already made a deal there is not a trial, merely a sentencing hearing. Michael Flynn pleads guilty. Within an hour of the plea Robert Mueller releases a memo bragging how cooperative Flynn has been. Full marks, high praise. Mueller recommends that because he was such a good boy, Michael Flynn should spend not nary one day in jail. Flynn's lawyers release a statement from Flynn himself, "Hell yes I'm guilty, hell yes I admit it, and hell yes I take full responsibility. It's the straight and narrow from here on out boys, and heaven everlasting's my reward." Or words to that effect.
Flynn's guilty plea, Mueller memo, Flynn's statement, have all been big, big news. YUGE! Widely Easy to find online.
Now this is where tale goes off the rails.
Sometimes I watch snippets of Fox News, it Gobsmacks me. I've never seen anything like it. And on big story days like this is I'll look at a few WingNut boards like BreItbart's headlines, or Gateway P's foolishness, and belly laugh at FreeR
I wont spell it out. No way.
Per usual, the WingNut media was in one voice, as always, but here's the crazy part, THE WINGNUT MEDIA WERE ALL PRAISING MICHAEL FLYNN. ALL OF THEM. EVERYONE Over and over and over. Now it's A WEEK LATER AND THEY'RE STILL ALL PRAISING FLYNN.
"He's veteran, he's been wronged by that crooked FBI, Robert Mueller should be horse whipped, Mike Flynn is a real life hero, another John Wayne, his poor family had to sell his house"
Tonight I watched 3 fucking hours of Fox News, Tucker, Hannity, and Ingraham. Per usual, all in one voice, of course. Still in lock step, of course. Still singing Hoseannas to Michael Flynn. Praising Michael Flynn. Begging President Trump to pardon Michael Flynn. I watched Seb Gorka tell Hannity that Michael Flynn would be a GREAT! Chief of Staff for Donald Trump just as soon as Donald Trump pardons him. Yep Gorka tells trump to pardon the guy who spent 65 hours ratting him out.
I laugh and laugh. Then I guffaw. What Madness has them? I mean, WTF?
That website who shall not be named is doing the same, of course. As always, one voice, no deviations tolerated, none offered. "Trump you MUST! pardon Michael Flynn!!".
They want Trump to pardon the HOMERIC General Flynn. Demand it. SMDH
Yes Donald pardon the man who has, at least arguably, done more than any human on Earth to end Donald Trump's Presidency, to get Donald Trump successfully Impeached, then Removed, as President of the United States. Deplorables are braying for Donald Trump to pardon the person who very well might put any number of, up to and including all 3 Trump Team Children in Prison. Bankrupting the entire bunch, and I do mean penniless. Forever to sully that family name like no other in American history.
What hell can you say to that?
Michael Flynn who gladly, willingly, and with great fervor met with The Special Prosecutor's Department of Justice Team on a documented 19 different sessions, totaling more than 65 hours, the only team who's remit is to investigate Trump and his oily gang full of Treasonous and shameful crimes and clearly in cahoots with Vladimir Putin
There's much more madness.
Yesterday Flynn's lawyers released a memo to the Judge asking for no prison time, just probation, a fine and community service. They went on to say that yes Flynn was guilty see, only he didn't know it at time see, because Michael Flynn did not know that lying to the FBI in an interview was against the law. (Read that last line again I dare you)
That's not joke. That's not an exaggeration. That is really real. Flynn's lawyers are asking the judge for leniency because they say he didn't know lying to the FBI was a crime.
He had to sell his house to pay his lawyers and that's all got?
Was it doll house? Am I dreaming? Am I impaired?
Michael Flynn is a retired US Army General. Michael Flynn has BS degree, an MBA, plus two other Master's Degrees. During his distinguished military career Michael Flynn held some prestigious positions. For 2 full years, 2012-2014, Michael Flynn served as the 18th Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, an intelligence officer who, upon nomination by the President (Obama) and confirmation by the Senate (he got it) serves as the United States' highest-ranking military intelligence officer.
Dude was head of Military Intelligence. Numero Uno. Dude says he didn't know lying to the FBI is a crime.
A last item. While perusing these wondrous vignettes, I was over there nosing around on the website which shall not be named this very evening. And there I stumbled upon possibly the CRAZIEST FUCKING PART OF ALL THIS. Again I feel inadequatet lacking a vocabulary to accurately describe what I witnessed. Madness to be sure. But more than that.
I'll tell it quick as I can, for I am faltering
The WingNutophere is in the grips of an astoundingly powerful fever dream tonight. They are feeling victorious, sure that this is it. The WingNut propaganda outlets have broken a story that many Deplorables are convinced will end the Mueller investigation, will lead to Hillary and Obama, convictions, finish off their hated FBI forever, and ensure Trump's re-election.
It does none of those things. It reveals their terror and hopelessness. And Madness. 3 versions of the same story. I urge you to go read the comments, must be seen to be believed.
Judge in Flynn case orders Mueller to turn over interview docs after bombshell claim of FBI pressure
Fox News ^ | Last updated 6 minutes ago | Gregg Re
Posted on ?12?/?13?/?2018? ?1?:?26?:?36? ?AM
One day after former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn's legal team made the bombshell allegations that the FBI had pushed him not to bring a lawyer to his fateful Jan. 24, 2017 interview with agents at the White House, the federal judge overseeing Flynn's criminal case late Wednesday ordered Special Counsel Robert Mueller to turn over all of its highly secret documents related to the questioning.
U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan -- who overturned the 2008 conviction of former U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens after government misconduct came to light -- is weighing how to sentence Flynn, who pleaded guilty to one count of lying to federal authorities in the Russia probe during that interview in the West Wing.
Flynn faced mounting legal bills that forced him to sell his home in the run-up to his guilty plea, and Mueller has recommended he receive no prison time.
THIS IS HUGE! Judge Sentencing General Flynn Demands to See FBI 302 Documents on Flynn Ambush Interview
Judge Sullivan, who is assigned to General Flynns case is demanding to see the FBI summary 302 report about the ambush Flynn interview according to a new court filing.
Counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok showed up to the White House on January 24th, 2017 along with Special Agent Joe Pientka to interview General Flynn; the meeting was arranged by former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.
Flynn was told not have his lawyer with him and soon after the FBI agents began to question him he realized he was being ambushed over his phone calls to Russian Ambassador Kislyak.
The FBI agents who ambushed General Flynn on January 24th, 2017 didnt write their 302 reports on their interview until 7 months later on August 22nd this is also AFTER Rosenstein wrote his August 2nd memo expanding Muellers scope.
THIS IS HUGE! Judge Sentencing General Flynn Demands to See FBI 302 Documents on Flynn Ambush Interv
?12?/?12?/?2018? ?10?:?54?:?34? ?PM · by bitt · 93 replies
GATEWAY PUNDIT ^ | 12/12/2018 | Christina Laila
Judge Sullivan, who is assigned to General Flynns case is demanding to see the FBI summary 302 report about the ambush Flynn interview according to a new court filing. Counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok showed up to the White House on January 24th, 2017 along with Special Agent Joe Pientka to interview General Flynn; the meeting was arranged by former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. Flynn was told not have his lawyer with him and soon after the FBI agents began to question him he realized he was being ambushed over his phone calls to Russian Ambassador Kislyak. The FBI agents...
THIS IS HUGE! Judge Sentencing General Flynn Demands to See FBI 302 Documents on Flynn Ambush Interv
?12?/?12?/?2018? ?10?:?54?:?34? ?PM · by bitt · 93 replies
GATEWAY PUNDIT ^ | 12/12/2018 | Christina Laila
Judge Sullivan, who is assigned to General Flynns case is demanding to see the FBI summary 302 report about the ambush Flynn interview according to a new court filing. Counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok showed up to the White House on January 24th, 2017 along with Special Agent Joe Pientka to interview General Flynn; the meeting was arranged by former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. Flynn was told not have his lawyer with him and soon after the FBI agents began to question him he realized he was being ambushed over his phone calls to Russian Ambassador Kislyak. The FBI agents...
I have never seen Republicans this desperate, this worried, this crazy. I'll tell you how fascinating those FR replies are, after 15 minutes perusing them, it caused me to come here and waste 2.5 hours writing this folly. My apologies
It's all pathetic. Sad.
The judge in Flynn's sentencing hearing (not trial) requested meeting notes from the 2 FBI agents who interviewed Flynn in January 2017. One of whom was Peter Strok, so you can probably start to understand how excited they are. FBI asking about calls with Kislyak. Course Flynn lies to them. The poor things have seized on the fact that Flynn didn't have a lawyer present and that the FBI agents told him he didn't have to have a lawyer present as proof of everything. Sure this proves everything. Just fucking madness.
This ruling does it all they cry. This Judge is going to overturn this Flynn trial (the fact that this isn't a trial slows them not one whit) and set Michael Flynn free (Flynn-the man who testified 65 hours against Donald Trump) but if the judge doesn't set Flynn free and merely declares this a mistrial (again, there is no trial) Trump is sure to pardon Michael Flynn (Flynn-the man who testified 65 hours against Donald Trump)
This proves The FBI is crooked, it's all a witch hunt and Trump can now fire Mueller. Shut it all down and FINALLY use his Attorney General to arrest Hillary and Obama.
And Michael Flynn, The General! from the rallies rides off into the sunset a hero and a free man. (Flynn-the man who testified 65 hours against Donald Trump and who has already pled guilty at this sentencing hearing, which is not a trial)
The man who will bring down Donald Trump.
Me too
I been saying exactly this. And I think its gonna be a lot sooner than later. All hes got to do is kill a few, or bunch, of Muslims.
Killing Muslims does wonders for American Presidential approval numbers.
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