Quixote1818's JournalMorgan Stanley says economy is on 'recession watch' as bond market flashes warning
Thomas Franck
Renewed trade tensions and a slump in economic data put U.S. profits and economic growth at risk,
Morgan Stanley warned Tuesday.
Numerous leading companies may be starting to throw in the towel on the second half rebound--something we have been expecting, the bank writes.
Wilson adds that market risks have been reflected in the bond market, pointing to an unusual phenomenon in government debt yields.
The stock market and economic outlook in the United States are deteriorating, according to an analysis from one of Wall Streets top investment banks.
Renewed trade tensions and a slump in economic data ranging from falling durable goods and capital spending to a downshift in the services sector has put U.S. profits and economic growth at risk, Morgan Stanley warned Tuesday.
Recent data points suggest US earnings and economic risk is greater than most investors may think, wrote Michael Wilson, the firms chief U.S. equity strategist.
More: https://www.cnbc.com/2019/05/28/morgan-stanley-says-economy-on-recession-watch-amid-bond-warning.html?fbclid=IwAR0ChgziEMBXMrEoq8-_bi92WY8qiUE-yJ9vXc213Ai1W2Y6odbjWmitRME
Mayor Pete Unafraid To 'Go There,' Calls Out President Donald Trump On Vietnam Morning Joe MSNBC
2020 election poll: Joe Biden's lead shrinks to zero against Bernie Sanders in critical Iowa
Joe Biden may be leading national polls among Democratic voters, but a new poll shows his dominance doesnt necessarily extend to Iowa.
Mr Biden is matched by Bernie Sanders in the state, a sharp drop from his 11 point lead in a separate poll last month. Both candidates can claim 24 per cent support in the state, which will vote first in the nominating process next year.
Mr Biden and Mr Sanders are followed in the new poll by several candidates with significant showings, including Pete Buttigieg (14 per cent), Elizabeth Warren (12 per cent), and Kamala Harris (10 per cent).
Reading into the polls just a bit more, Mr Biden has more to worry about than just Mr Sanders, too.
Ms Warren stands out as the most liked candidate in the race, with a favorability rating at 78 per cent the top in the race. She is followed by Mr Sanders, who is the next closest with 71 per cent.
More: https://www.yahoo.com/news/2020-election-poll-joe-bidens-170426885.html
Worth reposting: The Religious Right: Part Two Full Frontal with Samantha Bee (Abortion)
Abortion wasn't even on the radar of evangelicals until the 1970's. They were looking for wedge issues to get people to vote Republican : Snip: So what changed?
In the 1970s, the pro-life position was predominantly Catholic. Before Roe, there were some liberal Protestant elements to the pro-life movement, as Daniel Williamss book shows, but the Catholic Church was the dominant force.
By the early-mid-1970s, there was a bit of growing concern within evangelicalism. Carl F. H. Henry took a strong pro-life stance in 1971, and the National Association of Evangelicals asserted its opposition to abortion in 1971 and 1973.
But on the mass level, evangelicals were slow to join the pro-life movement. Even as late as 1979, the Baptist Joint Committee argued before a federal court that the Hyde Amendment, which restricted federal funds from being used to pay for abortions, violated the Establishment Clause because it established the Catholic religion.
It really was not until the end of the 1970s and early 1980s that conservative Christians moved decidedly in the pro-life direction. More popular groups like Baptists for Life and Christians for Life were created in the mid- to late-1970s, for example. I draw attention to Francis Schaeffers books and documentary films, which were popular among churches, pastors, and lay leaders. Schaeffers works also influenced Jerry Falwell, who helped elevate abortion activism on the national political stage. In 1980, the SBC passed an unequivocally pro-life resolution. https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/evangelical-history/christian-right-discovered-abortion-rights-transformed-culture-wars/
I never knew that Nathaniel Branden had an affair with Ayn Rand. Sounds like he eventually woke up
and realized she was full of shit but this Wikipedia article (link below) doesn't go into much detail and I am disappointed he ever was even remotely on board with her BS in the first place. Anyone know more about him now? I read his book 'The Disowned Self' back in college and thought it was a pretty good read hitting on how destructive things like dogmatic religion can be often causing a person to lose touch with who they are especially if if they are indoctrinated with it at a young age. I would have to read it again to remember much more. I always held him in high regard but it sounds like he is a bit on the conservative side which is too bad.
Someone needs to write a comedy where suddenly all men can get pregnant
starring Mel Gibson as the ultra-conservative, pro-life congressperson as the main character. How quickly all the pregnancy laws would change.
538: Politics Podcast: Should Democrats Worry About The Downsides Of Impeaching Trump?
In the wake of the Mueller report, Democratic leadership in the House has continued to investigate President Trump while downplaying the prospects of impeachment. The Trump White House, meanwhile, has so far stonewalled House requests for information from the executive branch. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently said that Trump is goading us to impeach him.
In this installment of the FiveThirtyEight Politics podcast, the crew debates what the repercussions of impeaching President Trump would be for Democrats. Plus, in a round of Good Use of Polling or Bad Use of Polling? the team looks at how the left-wing YouTube show The Young Turks tried to discredit a CNN poll.
You can listen to the episode by clicking the play button in the audio player above or by downloading it in iTunes, the ESPN app or your favorite podcast platform. If you are new to podcasts, learn how to listen.
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