WhiteTara's JournalI'm an official candidate!
I've filed my candidacy and my financials, opened a bank account, set up Paypal and I'm ready to rock. I've received 2 wonderful unsolicited donations which will get me some business cards and I'm ready to roll out the walking map and go to work.
I'm running for the Carroll County Quorum Court in Arkansas. We handle the county's business and money. I am the only woman running in our county and I have an opponent. If you would like to help me get my promotional materials out there, please donate to my paypal account. We're struggling to hold the county and try and wrest the state back from the hands of the looney Teabaggers.
If you can help, I would be very grateful.
SheriHansonPoliticalCampaign@gmail.com (my paypal account name)
Well, I've jumped in and filed.
I'm running for District 2 of the Quorum Court in Carroll County, Arkansas.
Wish me well...and
if you're in the state, I'd love to have your endorsement...pm me for info on that!
Sure, if you want to donate to my campaign, let me know and I'll give you all the particulars for both paypal and snail mail.
Profile Information
Name: Sheri HansonGender: Female
Hometown: Arkansas
Home country: US
Member since: Sun Jan 4, 2004, 04:01 PM
Number of posts: 30,369