Mad_Machine76's JournalI feel like
whenever the NRA says that limits on firearm ownership/use don't work, it's like how anti-vaxxers say that Covid vaccines and other precautions don't work. They seem to insist that laws work flawlessly and prevent every single death or prevent a certain number of deaths and if they don't, then what's the point of doing ANYTHING? And to the extent that pro-RKBAers are also making anti-choice arguments, they contradict themselves by claiming that people will still find ways to kill people (albeit less efficiently and with further victims), so, again, what's the point of doing ANYTHING?
On Biden not seeking a second term
I was listening to a clip of Michael Smerconish from CNN that just made my blood boil over this weekend. Now, Smerconish is not a right-wing hack or somebody that I intensely dislike (though I disagree with him often), but all this talk about how bad Joe Biden's poll numbers are and talking about how Lyndon B. Johnson declined to seek another term and how Biden might be wise to do the same thing is really starting to depress me even more than I already am depressed about everything bad going on right now. He pointed out how Biden is a decent and honorable person but that he's getting too old and his Presidency is floundering (largely for reasons that he has little or no control over).
Is this a real thing being floated by other Democrats, or is this just idle pundit-speak or wishful thinking? I don't know that Smerconish has any thoughts or motives to suggest this, but are Republicans afraid of having to face Joe Biden again or does "the media" *want* Republicans back in power (for bottom line reasons). Who is seriously driving this narrative/idea? I do remember that some pundits wanted Barack Obama to refuse to run again in 2012 and for Hillary Clinton to replace him, but nobody really took it seriously and Obama won comfortably won 2012 despite his own sagging poll numbers and the midterm congressional defeat. Did pundits ever suggest Trump or any other Republican in political trouble refuse to run for re-election like this (because I don't remember it)? Why is it only Democrats they make this suggestion for?
Not really looking for a debate but is anybody else pissed off by all this talk or know where this is coming from?
John Fuegelsang on UFOs, Trump
Equal parts hilarious and unsettling.
There's only two ways to go on this IMHO
1. Not do it at all because it's practically impossible.
2. Go full-on police state, which is never going to be tolerated even in the reddest of red states and I'm not even sure this SCOTUS would back them up.
This is what it all boils down to
It's not enough for them to have their "freedom of religion" or their ideological beliefs. They want everybody else to live according to their own beliefs and will not tolerate any attempts from anybody to tell them that they can't discriminate, that they can't tell people what to do with their bodies, who they marry, etc.
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Name: Mara Alis ButlerGender: Female
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