Mad_Machine76's JournalSupposing this is even true (which is extremely doubtful)
The FBI buried the Trump Russia investigation while blabbing about their Hillary private server investigation in 2016 and we didn't get a do-over or a Trump removal or HRC replacement, so I guess we're all even at this point?
I don't understand
Has this *always* been a thing and nobody noticed it before? I didn't know that running or serving in elected office shielded anybody from normal legal processes until now? We've always had political officials investigated, deposed, indicted, arrested, prosecuted, and even jailed while serving in or running for offices before. When did it change that suddenly elected officials are becoming more shielded from being subject to the same legal processes as everybody else just because there is an election coming up that they are running in?! They subjected Clinton to everything, including depositions WHILE he was in office because Judges determined that he had no absolute legal immunity, even while actively serving as POTUS.
BTW how does it make sense to allow individuals whom are investigation to evade accountability while they are running to hold elective office no matter how close or far it is to the election? Shouldn't people be able to make sure that they're not electing a crook or a very bad person to elected office, especially to the Presidency?!
Seems less and less ironic/funny nowadays
Now thats its essentially the platform of the Republican Party
Is The Hill doing satire now?
AOC has some admirable qualities to be sure, and she may be a good future candidate for higher office in the years ahead, but I REALLY wish people would quit trying to write Joe Biden's political obituary right now, especially when he's starting to have a good streak of legislative accomplishments at the moment and we're more than two years out from 2024 and there's been no indication that he's *not* running for re-election.
*If* hypothetically a CC is called, what is the structure of it? Who participates in it? What are the rules for it? Seems like there is an appalling vagueness about the process for something so important as a CC.
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