Mad_Machine76's JournalI'm actually getting more nervous now
It sounds like right-wing Republicans are essentially creating their own little kingdoms in their own states where there is a near-total lack of checks and balances, top-down state-level control over every city/town/agency in the state, (selective) censorship and no reproductive healthcare or LGBTQ people allowed.
All of the expanded benefits
Wont make up for the loss of bodily autonomy. Plus, arent they basically then just recreating welfare before welfare reform?
May I respectfully suggest a moratorium
on these kind of posts? People are entitled to their opinions and wish fulfillment fantasies of course, but I feel like, unless it's announced that Joe and/or Kamala aren't running in 2024 or that they have an actual primary challenger(s), Joe Biden/Kamala Harris are the default nominees for 2024 and we should be supporting THEM here on DU. And I also feel that skipping right over Kamala Harris as a replacement Presidential candidate should Biden be unable to run in 2024 is disrespectful.
It seems like the right-wing style of Christianity is an endless fountain of redemption except if you're:
Gay (unless you're a Republican, apparently)
Did I forget anybody?
Seems like a lot of this junk should be able to be stopped
on First Amendment (real) religious freedom grounds. Not everybody practices Christianity, not all Christians even agree on everything and some people don't practice any religion at all but nobody signed up to have one group of one sect of one religion dictate public policy for everybody in this country. There is also no way that you're ever going to convince me that the Founding Fathers ever intended it to be like this either. We know as a matter of historical fact that most of the founding fathers were non-Christian, if anything, and surely didn't intend to establish a theocracy.
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Name: Mara Alis ButlerGender: Female
Hometown: Indianapolis, Indiana
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Member since: Sat Feb 28, 2004, 12:13 AM
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