Mad_Machine76's JournalWe need to work hard
but the one thing that gives me at least some comfort is the fact that Republicans and their pundits in the MSM are trying so hard to get Biden off the ticket in 2024, either by finding some evidence of some massive wrongdoing and/or getting him to resign because of his age- or get people to reject Biden because of his age. They certainly seem hellbent on trying to impeach him before/by 2024, however, of course, even if they got an impeachment on a partisan line vote in the House, they will not convict him in the Senate. If they weren't that worried about Biden, they sure aren't acting like it.
What if he is found incompetent to stand trial
But Republicans still want to vote for him for President? That nightmare scenario is now running through my head. And of course, MAGA Republicans will remind us theres no Constitutional prohibition against running and serving as POTUS from inside of a mental health institution, of course.
We need some serious changes to our Constitution after this. It is becoming little more than a Suicide Pact.
Our policy regarding Taiwan seems paradoxical
We dont want to risk war over Taiwan but OTOH we dont want China to invade and overrun it either. So far all sides are maintaining the status quo but if things ever disintegrate I have no idea what will actually happen.
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Name: Mara Alis ButlerGender: Female
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Member since: Sat Feb 28, 2004, 12:13 AM
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