Xipe Totec
Xipe Totec's JournalSapo Cancionero (Singing Toad)
You know yourself ugly and malformed
Which is why you hide in the day
And at night you sign with melancholy
And your song sounds like a litany
Your couplets are as vain as they are beautiful.
Don't you know that the moon is cold
because she gave her blood to make the stars?
Le rappel des oiseaux
Full title of the video:
Ж.-Ф.РАМО «Перекликание птиц». Исп.НОЖЕЛЬ СКРЯБИНА, 8 лет / J.-Ph.RAMEAU Le rappel des oiseaux.
The talent displayed by this young girl is impressive.
South Padre Island at Sunset
It's clear that when Tump is convicted he cant be put in prison with the general inmate population
We're going to have to build a special prison to contain him in isolation, just to keep him alive.
When we do, may I suggest that we make the prison cell oval shaped?
Juventino Rosas - Over the Waves
The waltz "Sobre las olas" (or "Over the Waves" ) is the best-known work of Mexican composer Juventino Rosas (18681894). It "remains one of the most famous Latin American pieces worldwide", according to the "Latin America" article in The Oxford Companion to Music.
It was first published by Rosas in 1888. It remains popular as a classic waltz, and has also found its way into New Orleans Jazz and Tejano music.
Patricia JANEČKOV: "Les oiseaux dans la charmille" (Jacques Offenbach - Les contes d' Hoffmann)
Sadly mourning the passing of this great diva this year, at the tender age of 25.
Should candidates for federal office be considered officers of the United States?
Should candidates for federal office be required to take an oath of office so that if they reject the results of an election, after exhausting all legal remedies to challenge the results, they still refuse to accept the results of the election, they then be declared automatically in insurrection against the constitution of the United States and be barred from holding federal office ever again?
I think that would put an end to this Republican strategy of never accepting the results of an election when they lose.
Nati Pastorutti - Sapo Cancionero (En Casa)
Singing Toad
Night toad, singing toad
who lives dreaming by your pond
Tenor of the puddles, grotesque troubadour
bewitched by your love for the moon
Tenor of the puddles, grotesque troubadour
bewitched by your love for the moon
I know of your life without glory
I know of the tragedies of your restless soul
And your madness of love for the moon
that's the eternal madness of every poet
And your madness of love for the moon
that's the eternal madness of every poet
Singing toad
sing your song
for life is sad
if we cannot live it with hope
for life is sad
if we cannot live it with hope
You know yourself ugly, ugly and deformed
That's why you hide by day
And at night you sing out your melancholy
And your song sounds out like a litany
And at night you sing out your melancholy
And your song sounds out like a litany
Your voice rings out with stubbornness
your couplets are as pointless as they are beautiful
Don't you know that the moon is cold
because she gave her blood for the stars?
Don't you know that the moon is cold
because she gave her blood for the stars?
Singing toad
sing your song
for life is sad
if we cannot live it with hope
for life is sad
if we cannot live it with hope
Sapo de la noche, sapo cancione-
Que vives soñando junto a tu lagu-
Tenor de los charcos, grotesco trove-
Estás embrujado de amor por la lu-
Tenor de los charcos, grotesco trove-
Estás embrujado de amor por la lu-
Yo sé de tu vida sin gloria ningu-
Sé de las tragedias de tu alma inquie-
Y esa tu locura de amor a la lu-
Es locura eterna de todo poeta
Y esa tu locura de amor a la lu-
Es locura eterna de todo poe-
Sapo cancione-
Canta tu canción
Que la vida es triste
Si no la vivimos con una ilusión (¡se acaba!)
Que la vida es triste
Si no la vivimos con una ilusión
Tú te sabes feo, feo y contrahecho
Por eso de día tu fealdad ocultas
Y de noche cantas tu melancolí-
Y suena tu canto como letanía
Y de noche cantas tu melancolí-
Y suena tu canto como letaní-
Repican tus voces en franca porfí-
Tus coplas son vanas como son tan bellas
¿No sabes, acaso, que la luna es frí-
Porque dió su sangre para las estrellas?
¿No sabes, acaso, que la luna es frí-
Porque dió su sangre para las estrellas?
Sapo cancione-
Canta tu canción
Que la vida es triste
Si no la vivimos con una ilusión (¡se acaba!)
Que la vida es triste
Si no la vivimos con una ilusión
Profile Information
Gender: Do not displayCurrent location: The Republic of Texas
Member since: Thu Apr 8, 2004, 06:04 PM
Number of posts: 44,019