Xipe Totec
Xipe Totec's JournalWalking around in Rome, near the Trevi fountain and we see a McDonalds. WHT?
Surprised to see this fast food restaurant near one of those iconic places in Rome. Couldn't figure out who would need a place like this....
Next morning, we're looking for a breakfast with eggs....
So, yea, there's no such thing as a Roman breakfast with eggs.
Mickey D's to the rescue.
If Trump had only guarded these top secret documents like he guarded his tax returns
Or his real estate valuations.
Imagine how much safer we would all be.
Whatever happened to Voldemorticia, AKA Ann Coulter?
I looked for her obituary but didn't find it.
Idiocracy - a metaphor for the devolution of the GOP
From the Party of Lincoln to the Party of Trump.
Why can't we simply regulate Assault Rifles like Machine Guns?
Machine guns aren't illegal, but they are highly regulated.
This goes back to the National Firearms Act of 1934 (NFA), which was enacted as part of the Internal Revenue Code, and was the first federal regulation of the manufacture and transfer of firearms. The NFA restricted the sales, ownership, use, and transport of short-barreled rifles and shotguns, machine guns, silencers and suppressors and an all-encompassing "destructive device." The latter included such things as modern artillery, rocket launchers, and military explosives.
Buying a machine gun requires an extensive background check, and while certain firearms those that fall into the category of Curios & Relics (C&R) guns can be transferred directly from one owner to another, in most cases this sort of sale requires an actual Class III dealer. It involves filling out some very detailed paperwork, getting fingerprinted by local law enforcement or other approved service, providing a pair of passport photos, and submitting a $200 fee, which is the tax for said transfer.
Once this is done you wait. And then you wait some more. Unlike the National Instant Criminal Background Check that is used to buy a firearm at a gun shop, nothing is "instant," "quick" or "speedy" in this procedure. This is a slow process and due to the coronavirus will likely only be slower, once the NFA branch, which is located in Martinsburg, West Virginia, is reopened.
When buying any NFA item, patience isn't a virtue, it is required. There is no way to rush the process and generally takes around nine months. After that, the seller, or in most cases the dealer who handled the process, is provided the paperwork and stamp, and the buyer can pick up his/her machine gun.
Machine guns are complex items to buy, but as noted there is a small collector market. Buying such items isn't easy, but then again it shouldn't be. Since 1934 no legally owned machine gun has been used in a crime.
So, why can't we update the National Firearms Act to include assault rifles?
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Gender: Do not displayCurrent location: The Republic of Texas
Member since: Thu Apr 8, 2004, 06:04 PM
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