Xipe Totec
Xipe Totec's JournalPassive Aggressive Attitudes - What's your example?
Here's mine from just a few minutes ago.
I was at the bank drive through. There was a line of cars. There's two ATMs on a single lane. Cars normally go through two at a time because no matter which of the two cars being serviced by the two ATMs finishes first, no other car can reach an ATM until in the car using the back ATM leaves.
So two cars go through, then the next two, and then it's my turn plus the car in front of me.
But the car in front of me stops at the back ATM instead of pulling forward to the ATM in front, thus blocking both ATMs while it is being serviced...
No amount of honking persuaded the "lady" in front to move forward to the next ATM. She took her sweet time at the back ATM while blocking access to the front ATM.
This was no accident or oversight. She knew what she was doing and she did it deliberately to make the people behind her wait longer.
So what's your story of passive aggressive assholery?
I have my Star Back
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Gender: Do not displayCurrent location: The Republic of Texas
Member since: Thu Apr 8, 2004, 06:04 PM
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