MyUncle's JournalMitt Romney and the Utah Olympics? Anything on this that can take him down?
Full disclosure I love the Olympics, always have, always will.
That said, I was not paying close attention to the Utah games - I had moved to Hawaii the year before was in the midst of a crazy job, young family, new place to live etc. I kind of missed them.
Is there something we can hang on Romney with those games? His big claims are Governor, Bain and the Olympics. The first two are not going well for him, I want to pile on and make it 3 for 3.
Any help?
If Al Gore had won his home state of Tennessee, he would have been POTUS.
Florida would not have mattered, Bush vs. Gore at the Supreme Court would not have happened. History would be quite different. The POTUS would have been Al Gore on 9/11 and everything that happened afterward would have been a result of Al Gore's Presidency.
If Al Gore won the state that he was born, raised and elected in. If Al Gore won the state that his father was born raised and elected in.
How strange is that? It would be like Obama not winning Hawaii, Carter not winning Georgia, Bush not winning Texas, Clinton not winning Arkansas.
If Al Gore won Tennessee, he' have been President Gore.
All I can say is WTF Tennessee...WTF...
Newt won because...
The S.C. vote for Newt was fueled by his responses in the debates to charges of racism and "open marriage" advocacy. He got two raucousness, unprecedented standing ovations when he attached the question, the premise of the questions, the questioner and the media. BTW, he never answeredthe questions/allegations.
IMO without those moments, Newt loses.
The SC vote was a backlash by the SC voters. They were not going to let the media pick their winner, the voter is. Many of Newt's votes were a statement to back up a family member who was attached by someone outside the family.
CNN, ABC and Juan Williams gave Newt a giant, ribbon wrapped gift.
Florida is going to be the first test on a neutral court and will determine the nominee.
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