babylonsister's JournalWho Built the Gallows? Built the Gallows?
super simian
Community (This content is not subject to review by Daily Kos staff prior to publication.)
Sunday May 22, 2022 · 7:45 PM EDT
Who exactly built the gallows? That is one question that I hope the Jan. 6 committee is investigating. Because I have spent my life in theater and know that it is not an easy spur of the moment thing to erect a gallows complete with hanging noose in front of the US Capitol building.
So someone had a plan to do that. And they had specifications at the ready. They went to Home Depot and purchased the supplies they needed to erect a platform, hang a noose from it, not easy to make a noose, have you ever tried it? In just such a way so they could take an ominous photograph.
Asking you, Mr. Former VPOTUS Mike Pence, since it was clearly linked to the Hang Mike Pence chant. Are you wondering?
Who purchased the materials, built the platform, hung the noose, took a picture? This had to be planned in advance, so who all was involved in the planning and execution of this set piece for destroying American democracy?
Jan. 6 committee, get the Home Depot receipts while you are at it.
Christian University Mulls Banning Unmarried Sex and Limiting Gender Expression
Good luck with that.
Christian University Mulls Banning Unmarried Sex and Limiting Gender Expression
Alice Tecotzky
Breaking News Intern
Updated May. 23, 2022 6:40PM ET /
Published May. 23, 2022 6:28PM ET
Eric Swalwell Masterfully Turns The Tables On The GOP's Border Hysteria on Mon, May 23rd, 2022 by Jason Easley
Eric Swalwell Masterfully Turns The Tables On The GOPs Border Hysteria
After the RNC tweeted about 11,000 lbs of meth being seized on the border, Rep. Eric Swalwell asked why Republicans oppose funding the police.
The exchange between Swalwell and the RNC:
Rep. Eric Swalwell (@RepSwalwell) May 23, 2022
Republicans Have Voted Against Police Funding
It is not just the additional police funding that Rep. Swalwell pointed out. Republicans have also voted against funding for police to fight gun crime.
Senate Republicans spent months dragging their feet on funding the Capitol Police after the 1/6 attack, and they have voted numerous times against additional funding for local police departments.
Republicans cant seem to comprehend that drugs being seized on the border is a good thing. It means that law enforcement is keeping illegal narcotics from getting into the country.
The GOP seems to think that it is Joe Bidens fault that people are trying to smuggle drugs into the country.
As Rep. Swalwell pointed out, it is the Republican Party that has tried to defund law enforcement to prevent them from being able to effectively do their jobs.
Imagine how much more effective law enforcement could be if Republicans stopped voting against their funding.
Rick Wilson is P.O.ed...
I don't know how to unroll a tweet and am not a member, so if anyone does, your input would be appreciated.
Published by Tom Sullivan on May 23, 2022
Are Democrats bringing a butter knife to a gun fight?
Just a reminder. The U.S. Senate Watergate Committee investigating a third-rate burglary at a D.C. hotel held weeks worth of televised hearings in 1973 (Wikipedia):
Cable news today has to fill 24/7 worth of airtime. Why not provide them content, Democrats?
Were talking here about a plot to overthrow the government supported by a violent insurrection, an assault on the U.S. Capitol in which people died. The perpetrators see their failed attempt as a rehearsal. Wilson is beside himself.
His Rudeness: ...Can We Please Talk About Crazy Motherfuckers Like They're Crazy Motherfuckers?
The Rude Pundit
Proudly lowering the level of political discourse
America's Mass Hysteria: Can We Please Talk About Crazy Motherfuckers Like They're Crazy Motherfuckers?
And that was it. It's not that religion doesn't matter (Donal being from Northern Ireland knows that quite well). Indeed, some bishops sit in the House of Lords, an outdated notion in a very outdated institution, and about two-thirds of the public think that's bullshit. But I realized that one of the things we don't talk about enough in the United States is just how many crazy motherfuckers are in power. We treat crazy motherfuckers the same way we treat sane politicians when, truly, we have to call crazy motherfuckers "crazy motherfuckers."
Right now, the media and other politicians are still indulging the complete madness of those who believe in the lie that there was massive voter and election fraud that changed the outcome of the 2020 election. Of course, a good many of those who are spouting this don't believe it and are merely playing along in order to stay in good graces of Donald fucking Trump, and that's just Ol' Yeller levels of pathetic. But a whole bunch of people really believe this shit. And those who know it's not true are not doing enough to say, objectively, they are wrong. There are no "doubts." There is no hidden evidence. There's nothing. It's the electoral equivalent of insisting you see leprechauns fucking mermaids on the backs of unicorns and wanting to fight anyone who tells you it's not true. Sorry, but you're just fucking insane.
I don't understand why the first question to any politician or pundit on any non-Fox "news" show isn't "Was Joe Biden legitimately elected president?" And if that politician or pundit doesn't say, clearly, "Yeah, of course, I'm not a crazy motherfucker," then the interview is over. Why should we give a shit what a crazy motherfucker or someone who helps keep crazy motherfuckers crazy has to say about a goddamn thing? Why would the next thing be "Well, Senator Crazy Motherfucker, you refuse to acknowledge reality when it comes to the election, but, hey, let's treat your opinion on tax policy as legitimate." Fuck that. Fucking hell, because of the failure to call out crazy, the Republican nominee for governor of Pennsylvania is fucking crazy.
And the crazy keeps going. The Great Replacement Theory, which motivated the rabid little dickhole to drive to Buffalo and gun down people at a supermarket, is racist madness, the kind of mass hysteria that motivates genocides, like in Rwanda or the former Yugoslavia, or fascist lockdowns of nations, essentially becoming North Korea. It doesn't even make any goddamn sense since it takes years for immigrants to become citizens in order to vote in national elections. Again, factually, the whole thing is bullshit, but people cling to it like the last piece of white driftwood in a black and brown flood.
I'm not even getting into the Covid madness, where all of a sudden, billions of people getting a vaccine is seen as "experimental." Fuck you, you fucking bugfuck insane disease vectors. And I'm not even talking about QAnon and other warped shit. I'm talking mainstream crazy.
How Trump's Fear of Getting Pied in the Face May Come Back to Cream Him
Got fruit?
How Trumps Fear of Getting Pied in the Face May Come Back to Cream Him
Donald Trump's former fixer testified that Trump was unusually afraid of taking a pie to the face and instructed his security to severely beat up anyone who tried to get him.
Jose Pagliery
Political Investigations Reporter
Published May. 23, 2022 4:43AM ET
The Daily Beast also revealed that Trump has a bizarre fear of pineapples, tomatoes, bananas getting thrown at him by angry protesters, calling them dangerous stuff. His legal team also scrambled to hide his fructo-ballistophobia by trying to erase his testimony from a public court record.
Cohens testimony now touches on another apparent Trump anxiety: pieing.
When being questioned, Cohen explained how his former boss at one point became obsessed over the way computer biz billionaire Bill Gates once got attacked with a pie to the face.
This 715-song playlist is scientifically verified to give you the chills, thanks to "frisson" 715-song playlist is scientifically verified to give you the chills, thanks to frisson
Listening to some songs can cause a powerful physiological response known as "frisson." What is it, and why does it happen?
Sam Gilberg
The physiology of frisson
There is a word that describes this common human response to music a word for that moment when a song pierces your body and soul. Its called frisson, and its the reason why music from artists as seemingly disparate as Johnny Cash, Metallica, Céline Dion, and Mozart are all featured on a recently released, scientifically-backed playlist of songs that researchers claim are likely to give people chills. The 715-song playlist was curated by a team of neuroscientists and is available on Spotify.
Frisson derives from French and is a sudden feeling or sensation of excitement, emotion or thrill, and the experience is not confined to music. Historically, frisson has been used interchangeably with the term aesthetic chills.
According to a 2019 study, one can experience frisson when staring at a brilliant sunset or a beautiful painting; when realizing a deep insight or truth; when reading a particularly resonant line of poetry; or when watching the climax of a film.
Researchers often describe frisson as a piloerection (or skin orgasm) noting that the experience retains similar biological and psychological components to sexual orgasm. Some refer to frisson as pleasurable gooseflesh, while others maintain that the definition should expand to include other perceptible, non-dermal reactions such as tears, lump-in-throat sensations, and muscle tension/relaxation.
Fox News Lies, Says Biden Gave Putin Money To Invade Ukraine News Lies, Says Biden Gave Putin Money To Invade Ukraine
The absurdity of Charles Hurt astounds.
By John Amato May 20, 2022
Fox News contributor Charles Hurt ranted like a clown that it's Biden's fault Russia invaded Ukraine because he purposely jacked up the gas prices which is somehow funded Putin's invasion.
This is next level lunacy.
Earlier today on Fox News' The Faulkner Focus, host Harris Faulkner was fired up and did a long segment on rising prices in America.
After a reporter gave Harris a dire report, Faulkner used a New York Post front page to bash the sitting U.S. president.
It's as if a worldwide pandemic that has killed over a million Americans never happened.
Charles Hurt, who is also the Washington Times opinion editor was up first and he went where no cultist went before.
Hurt made sure to claim he hates Putin before adding,"Heap all the scorn we can heap on Vladimir Putin."
Really, Hurt said that. Russia's invasion has no bearing on energy prices as most of the world refuses to buy from Russia.
Hurt continued,"The reason the gas prices are where they are is because of the decisions Joe Biden made when he came into office."
Now comes the insanity and pro-Putin propaganda.
WTF? Who knew President Biden had the authority to regulate gas and oil prices all by his lonesome?
I thought it was NATO's fault by enticing Ukraine to join that forced Putin to take action?
It's as if the entire world never shut down production trying to quell infections and deaths from Covid19 in 2020.
It's as if a barrel of oil wasn't worthless during the pandemic.
It's as if energy companies aren't price gouging their customers while CEOs make record profits once again.
It's as if there were no COVID supply chain problems caused by world wide shut downs.
Nope. It's Joe Biden's fault because they say so.
Maybe Charles Hurt will take Trump up on his suggestion and drink some bleach/Ivermectin cocktail if he gets COVID.
Number on Unemployment Hits 52-Year Low on Unemployment Hits 52-Year Low
May 20, 2022 at 9:17 am EDT By Taegan Goddard
Where Are the Goddamn Men? Are the Goddamn Men?
Abortion Rights | Social Justice and Activism
by Robert Lipsyte | May 20, 2022 - 6:25am
from TomDispatch
For 50 years now, people have told desperate, heart-breaking stories about what it was like to search for an abortion in the days before Roe v. Wade. These were invariably narratives of women in crisis. They sometimes involved brief discussions about economic inequality, police-state intrigue, and unwanted children, but for the most part men were invisible in them, missing in action. Where were they? And where are they now that a wall of fundamental rights seems to be crumbling away not just for women, but for all of us? This is another example of what I used to call the Bystander Boys.
It's time, though, for the boys to become men, to step out on the streets, organize, demonstrate, march (maybe wearing knitted penis caps), guard clinics, escort patients, make noise. Older men like me who can evoke the terrible pre-Roe days should tell their stories, at least to their grandsons, especially the ones who claim that their impractical progressive ideals prohibit them from voting in lesser-of-two-evils elections (too common these days, it seems.)
Just hold your nose, sonny, if it means doing the right thing.
And perhaps it's most important to keep reminding ourselves and everyone we know that abortion isn't the whole abortion story, that the bullies are preparing to go after the entire schoolyard, not just the girls, and (as has become so common these days) they're going to stomp into the school-board meeting as well. Sooner or later, they'll try to take over the school itself and, eventually, the mind and soul of this country thanks to the holes they're about to tear in the Constitution. There are more of us than them and, if we stand together and fight, we can still win. No place for bystanders now.
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