babylonsister's JournalHow We Know It Wasn't A Liberal Who Leaked SCOTUS Decision We Know It Wasn't A Liberal Who Leaked SCOTUS Decision
Pay no attention to the right-wing outrage. It was clearly a conservative.
By Susie Madrak May 4, 2022
Republicans like Ted Cruz and Mitch McConnell are shocked, shocked! that someone would leak Alito's draconian opinion overturning Roe v. Wade. They had their talking points ready, and pointed the finger at "radical leftists" inside the Court. (First clue: The only radicals clerking at the Court are right wingers.)
Joe Scarborough gives a pretty good explanation of why it was actually a pissed-off right winger who leaked the opinion (Morning Joe devoted the first half hour to the topic). He explains it was an attempt to lock in conservative support who might be wavering about the harshness of Alito's decision. That sounds right.
But I'll tell you how I knew: It was leaked to Politico.
Liberals don't leak to Politico, it's not even in the liberal media ecosphere. Liberals leak to the New York Times, or the Washington Post -- or maybe Mother Jones. Not Politico.
But here's the other thing: How did conservatives know the particulars of this decision before the leak? The Wall Street Journal's editorial page (another prominent right-wing mouthpiece) wrote an editorial about it the day before!
And how did Republicans all have their talking points organized so widely, so quickly?
Look: The kind of liberals who clerk at the Court are idealists, not troublemakers. The radical right wingers? We already know they feel entitled to win by any means necessary. This isn't even close.
But it probably wasn't a clerk. The most likely suspect is Ginni Thomas. And John Roberts knows it.
Republicans' Outrage Over the Roe v. Wade SCOTUS Leak Is a Cynical Ploy to Excuse Jan. 6 Outrage Over the Roe v. Wade SCOTUS Leak Is a Cynical Ploy to Excuse Jan. 6
Republicans are in a fit of pique over a far-left leaker who might not even existall while trying to memory-hole the attack on the Capitol.
Max Burns
Published May. 04, 2022 4:53AM ET
Its no mistake that Republicans are demanding jail for a leaker they imagine is a Democrat. With the House Jan. 6 Committee gearing up for blockbuster public hearings this June, the GOP desperately needs to convince Americans that what happened on Jan. 6 wasnt that badand if it was, meh, because Democrats attack democracy, too. Since theres no actual evidence to support their delusions, McConnell and Republicans are more than happy to make up a liberal villain in hopes of confusing Americans, and masking their own terrible legacy of antidemocratic misconduct.
Republicans will flex their considerable media machinery to keep the story of the Leaker in the headlinesboth as a dodge to avoid discussing the Supreme Courts apparent intent to overturn a ruling that 54 percent of Americans support, and as a way to weaken any efforts to hold the GOP accountable for its actions (and inactions) on Jan. 6.
For the sake of our democracy, both the media and Democrats must proactively push back against these cynical lies before they become another super-effective weapon in Republicans misinformation arsenal. They can start by breaking the leadership taboo on using the word abortion, which President Joe Biden studiously avoided saying during a press gaggle on Tuesday morning.
Unless Democrats can find their voice and break the Republican-promoted myth that talking about abortion is political suicide, the GOP will once again enjoy unchallenged messaging control during a critical time for womens rights.
Florida's new election police unit is the scariest voter suppression effort yet
Floridas new election police unit is the scariest voter suppression effort yet
DeSantiss law will sniff out problems that dont exist.
By Fabiola Cineas May 3, 2022, 6:00am EDT
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What Floridas new election law could actually do
DeSantis and other proponents of the new law have argued that it supports election security, but experts warn that it could have the effect of intimidating and deterring voters, election administration officials, and third-party organizations that help voters navigate elections. The laws various provisions create a perplexing network of roadblocks on top of last years legislation.
What concerns election integrity experts is that DeSantis and his team have not defined nor identified the election crimes and irregularities that they will task the office with investigating. The phrase election irregularities used throughout the nearly 50-page law is vague, undefined, and would seem to give the new police force and investigators a lot of leeway in terms of what they investigate, Kanter Cohen said. Plus, the legislation doesnt include a mechanism for how the state plans to track potentially frivolous and politically motivated complaints.
The election police force also harks back to a time when the United States openly relied on police to keep Black people and other marginalized groups from participating at the polls.
Morning Joe Attacks SCOTUS As 'Illegitimate Court' Joe Attacks SCOTUS As 'Illegitimate Court'
"Americans will rightly conclude that their voices and their votes no longer matter," Joe Scarborough said.
By Susie Madrak May 3, 2022
Video @ link~
Morning Joe dug into the implications of the Supreme Court's imminent ruling overturning Roe v. Wade.
"A potentially groundbreaking shift in American constitutional law, the Supreme Court appears poised to strike down the landmark Roe v. Wade decision. According to a leaked draft opinion published last night by Politico, a majority of the Supreme Court is prepared to overturn the right to abortion," Mika Brzezinski said.
Joe Scarborough talked about the "illegitimacy" of the current court.
"One more thing, look at this picture from Madeleine Albright's funeral. The five Democratic politicians on the front row won the most votes in the presidential elections of 1992, 1996, 2000, 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2020. Yet, a half century of constitutional rights supported by over 70% of Americans -- let me underline that again, because people lying to you on other channels will never say this: Over 70% of Americans support that constitutional right.
"It'll be swept away by the presidents not in this picture and the presidents who were outvoted in each one of those elections over the last three decades. Now, Americans will rightly conclude that their voices and their votes no longer matter. So what are the implications for the court, for the law, and for American democracy?"
Scarborough said 70% of Americans waking up this morning "is going to be, most likely, that this is a illegitimate decision by an illegitimate court."
Jon Meacham said the crisis of trust in institutions" has just become universal in a way that is pretty much the nightmare scenario, if you believe in the ultimate efficacy of the constitutional order to produce a more perfect union, right?"
"I'm worried that we're entering the darkest period of that test. Because if you have any reservations about the system's capacity to deliver justice, they have just been affirmed," he concluded.
Welcome To Gilead. Roe Is Gone, What Now?
Welcome To Gilead. Roe Is Gone, What Now?
Monday's news about the leaked draft from SCOTUS tells a story: They're not going to stop with letting states ban abortion. They're coming for gay marriage, interracial marriage and birth control.
By Karoli Kuns May 2, 2022
Welcome to Gilead, where women are forced to give birth to their rapists' children with the government's blessing.
This is the world we are about to live in, if the draft SCOTUS opinion leaked to Politico overturning Roe tonight is real, and all indications are that it is. Rape, forced birth, poverty, banned interracial marriage, banned gay marriage, more poverty, and Big Brother crawling up women's uteruses to make sure they're obeying The Man. For that matter, they'll just live in all of our bedrooms to make sure we're submitting and not committing perversions like loving someone they deem unfit.
Here is Alito's logic: Because the word "abortion" is not a word in the U.S. Constitution, and because the right to privacy is also not explicitly laid out in the Constitution, Roe is predicated on a false premise and should therefore be overturned. And if that logic stands, the Obergefell, Griswold and Loving decisions will fall too. As he sees it, women do not have the right to self-determination or any agency whatsoever. They are, much like the fictional Gilead of Margaret Atwood's imagination, mere chattel to be dealt with as men please.
This is the world Republicans have dreamed of. It's what evangelicals have hoped would happen for decades.
In Alito's world, men have every right to rape women and then demand visitation to their rape-spawn.
In Alito's world, women have nothing to offer society beyond the confines of their uterus.
You think Gilead was the product of Margaret Atwood's imagination with no basis in reality? Well here we are, and as she wrote in the chapter at the end about "historical notes": "Men highly placed in the regime were thus able to pick and choose among women who had demonstrated their reproductive fitness by having produced one or more healthy children, a desirable characteristic in an age of plummeting Caucasian birthrates, a phenomenon observable not only in Gilead but in most northern Caucasian societies of the time."
Alito may have couched his screed condemning women to second class status in terms of legalistic constitutional argle-bargle, but that is the message. White birthrates are dropping, and it's time to force them back up, by rape or by forced birth, or by both. It's racist, sexist, authoritarian bullshit and it is long past time to get in the streets.
WE TOLD YOU THIS WOULD HAPPEN AND IT DID BECAUSE NOT ENOUGH WHITE WOMEN COULD VOTE FOR A QUALIFIED WOMAN IN 2016. This is the fruit -- the poisoned, ugly, disfigured fruit -- of that decision.
House Select Committee Looking Into Trump Pardons Select Committee Looking Into Trump Pardons
May 2, 2022 at 2:37 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard
Trump Wanted to Shoot Protesters Wanted to Shoot Protesters
May 2, 2022 at 7:30 am EDT By Taegan Goddard
Texas Governor May Declare 'Invasion'
Could this be a new strategery to win the Hispanic vote?
Texas Governor May Declare Invasion
May 2, 2022 at 7:53 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 6 Comments
To do this, Abbott could declare the migrant crisis an invasion in accordance with an article in the US Constitution which says that individual states cannot engage in war unless they are actually invaded.
Judge orders Trump supporter who defaced LGBTQ mural to write 25-page essay on Pulse club massacre
Double-spaced, no doubt, but also daunting for a person who obviously has all kinds of issues, lack of intelligence being one of them.
Judge orders Trump supporter who defaced LGBTQ mural to write 25-page essay on Pulse club massacre
Wednesday April 27, 2022 · 4:11 PM EDT
Nineteen-year-old Florida resident Alexander Jerich was looking for a way to commemorate the birthday of his hero, Donald Trump. Simply driving around West Palm Beach in his white Chevy pickup truck, with its giant Trump flag flying proudly from its bed, just didnt seem to make enough of a statement.
Even so, on June 14, 2021, he joined a parade of 30 or so like-minded individuals to pay homage to Trumps birth date by loudly demonstrating their fealty in a noisy parade of motor vehicles, all organized by the Palm Beach County Republican Party. The idea (apparently) was to rub Trump in the faces of the liberal townfolks: to provoke an outraged response, just like Trump used to do.
As he passed through the intersection of Northeast First Street and Northeast Second Avenue, all newly painted with the bright colors of LGBTQ pride (a memorial to the victims of the 2016 Pulse Nightclub massacre in Orlando, when a gunman opened fire in a gay nightclub, killing 49 people and wounding 53), Jerich was struck with a moment of inspiration: Why not deface the mural with his truck tires? What better way to show his allegiance to Donald Trump than by sticking it to the Libs with such a cruel, in-your-face gesture?
The painstakingly crafted rainbow mural adorning the intersection, paid for by the Palm Beach County Human Rights Council and the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, had only been there for two days. So this seemed the perfect time to vandalize it, being Pride Month and all. No better way to honor Donald Trumps birthday and legacy than to publicly mutilate some piece of art celebrating the gay community. Well, no one was in Mr. Jerichs head at the time, so were left to guess at what his motives truly were.
Last Thursday Judge Suskauer put off Jerichs sentencing hearing until June 8, but in the interim he ordered Jerich to write a 25-page essay about the Pulse Nightclub shooting, with special emphasis on each of the 49 victims murdered in that mass shooting. As Musgrave reports:
I want your own brief summary of why people are so hateful and why people lash out against the gay community, he said.
As Peisers article notes, beyond his excuse of wanting to fit in and be accepted, Jerich has provided no specific reason for his actions. Interestingly, neither Peisers Washington Post article nor Musgraves piece for the Palm Beach Post spend any effort connecting the context of Jerichs behavior to the fact that he was demonstrating his loyalty to Donald Trump at the time. Perhaps they believe that readers will draw their own conclusions.
In the meantime, Jerichs essay is due in court on June 8.
Russia Kidnaps Over One Million Ukrainians, Sends Them To 'Filtration Camps' Kidnaps Over One Million Ukrainians, Sends Them To 'Filtration Camps'
In a scene eerily similar to Nazi Germany, Russia claims to have evacuated a total of 1 million Ukrainians so far in forced resettlement.
By Ed Scarce April 30, 2022
Russia seems particularly proud of their ethnic cleansing efforts in Ukraine so far, with one military expert on Kremlin TV yesterday speaking glowingly of a single "filtration camp" (the Nazis called them concentration camps) designed to house upwards of 100,000 "POWs." Except most of those people, probably 99% of them are ordinary Ukrainians, not soldiers. Even official Russian news agency TASS is reporting on what are, in effect, war crimes. They aren't ashamed of what they're doing in the slightest.
In a report dated April 29th, the Russian news agency TASS reported that a total of 1,021,871 people crossed the Russian border, according to the Head of Russias National Defense Management Center, Colonel-General Mikhail Mizintsev. According to the report, 19,442 people were evacuated from dangerous areas in Ukraine and the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine just within the past day.
Despite the obstacles that are being created by Kiev [Kyiv], 19,442 people, including 4,468 children, were evacuated to Russia from dangerous areas in Ukraine, the Donetsk and Lugansk Peoples Republics, in the past day without any assistance from the Ukrainian authorities, the Colonel said.
If confirmed (and there is large evidence to believe that this is true), it would be another war crime that violates Article 49 of the Geneva Convention. Well get to these legalities later on.
Military expert on state TV talks about "filtration camps" for POWs, with just one facility "set up to accept 100,000." With such large numbers, they're obviously talking not just about POWs, but Ukrainians at large who don't welcome Putin's invasion. How many camps are there?
Julia Davis (@JuliaDavisNews) April 30, 2022
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