Duppers's JournalYes, please. I'm a Bernie supporter but always need any info
which is stated as fact to be credibly documented.
I stuck SCYTL in snopes search and the only thing that popped up was this:
Now I'm skeptical.
Exactly. "Narcissistic dramas....unable to cope with reality"
Well stated.
Yet I take a small exception in that I think many are as confident as they are ignorant. When approach with facts, they close their eyes, cover their ears, and metaphorically scream liar.
ALL the reasons the Bush Admin. protected the Saudis
should be exposed.
This was state sponsored and did not just involve the hijackers from Saudi Arabia. I realize that the issue is complex but the American people deserve to know the truth. I also realize that too many just don't give a crap and are content to believe the simplistic lies.
And why has the Obama Admin. continued the cover-up?
Why must we always wait 50+ years for major truths to be exposed?
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Gender: Do not displayMember since: Tue Sep 14, 2004, 11:13 PM
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