Duppers's JournalLove Yellowstone
Visited most of the Park for several days in the mid-70's. Hiked some.
Too bad they don't have a live cam for Steamboat Geyser but I understand since it seldom has any activity. This much activity is highly unusual.
Cattle equal 51% of GHG EMISSIONS
"Recent analysis by Goodland and Anhang finds that livestock and their byproducts actually account for at least 32.6 billion tons of carbon dioxide per year, or 51 percent of annual worldwide GHG emissions."
The chances...
Were the Only Advanced Species in the Galaxy Are One in 60 Billion
Thank you SO much for posting this.
Yet another great example of just how f'd up this country's attitude toward health care is.
We lived in England in the late 80s to the mid 90s, long enough to greatly appreciate "socialized medicine" and to counter every dumbassed rightwing we've encountered in a discussion of the subject. My then 2yo son became very ill and had to be hospitalized in Addenbrooke there in Cambridge. I was awestruck by the compassion, knowledge, and attention of the physicians and entire staff. The only thing coming close in this country that we've experienced was when my hub's cancer was treated at the renowned Johns Hopkins, but with a price tag, of course.
Fox News is committing treason
Encouraging and inciting the overthrow of the legal processes of government.
"Sports rights distribution and broadcasting" ??
The European Commission confirmed it is investigating media companies across the EU over a suspected cartel in sports rights distribution and broadcasting.
Investigators are able to take..."
Pay Wall started thereafter.
From the Palmer Report...
"No sitting U.S. President has ever tried to pardon his own alleged co-conspirators, so this has never been tested in practice. If Donald Trump were to issue a pardon for Michael Cohen for his actions in the Trump-Russia scandal, the courts would have to rule whether such a pardon is Constitutional, and whether to uphold it or nullify it. From there, Special Counsel Robert Mueller would have to decide whether to charge Trump with obstruction of justice for having tried to use a pardon to prevent an alleged co-conspirator from testifying against him.
So there are three different possible outcomes. Different legal scholars have stated different views on which way they think the court might rule. The key here may be that for a judge to have signed off on a search warrant against him for the seizure of communications between Trump and his attorney, the judge must have believed there was evidence that Trump and Cohen conspired to commit a crime. This would directly paint Trump and Cohen as alleged co-conspirators, perhaps bolstering the legal argument that Trump cant legally pardon Cohen.
But the bottom line is this: if New York State brings parallel charges against Cohen, then there will be nothing Trump can do, as the president cannot pardon state level charges."
I'm TOTALLY with You!
These fuckers may as well go shoot neighborhood dogs out for a romp, except that wolves are smarter than domesticated dogs.
Over population? BULLCRAP. There was never an elk, deer, wolf etc. over-population before the European humans overpopulated the N. American continent. There was a balance. Humans are out of balance and are killing the whole planet.
This is just more macho, blood-thrill, ego-centered cruelty!
I'll just have to send more $ to Defenders of Wildlife now.
As Good As It Gets
Out of Africa
Hidden Figures
Blazing Saddles
Dances with Wolves
Rerun tv?
NEWSROOM - big time, if it's ever offered
That's about it.
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