Duppers's JournalWhat do most men have against that?
It's a rule in my house.
My motivation? A history of an abusive and hygienically nasty father and my need to never be reminded of him. Don't urinate on a commode seat or in the floor in my home. Won't accept it from my sweet critters, why accept it from a male human?
I only had $30K of uninsured household goods
Stolen in a move but they included heirloom jewelry and all my family's pictures. I was in shock and so angry with my husband because I had told him these people we're behaving suspiciously and he laughed it off.
I can imagine your nervousness and cautiousness now.
Can you imagine the thunderous crowd in DC
If Trump or the press were to announce that he's doing that? I'd be there for sure.
Or what if he has some brownshirts kidnapping these people one night?
I despise the fact that these kind of scenarios are even considered. We are in the twilight zone.
Another case for putting LSD in the water..
If these folks had more info and *empathy* for their fellow man, including minorities, they wouldn't be suffering now.
Study Finds Taking LSD Makes Humans More Empathetic
Then our Intel agencies - CIA, FBI, etc - should
be investigating TRump, should they not?
High crimes and all. To not do so would mean he is above the law.
I feel as if we're living in The Twilight Zone.
All hell should break loose after Aug 11 primaries so that these R's don't have to worry about being "primaried" out of office by a rabid base.
This atheist agrees BUT...
This is the case for envying stupidity and ignorance. I have lost a child, yet I did not and cannot throw out knowledge and all logic.
Not just Keep Abortion Legal in U.S. but make sure
Women have full access to birth control as a part of their basic health care at no cost, full stop."Why are we still fighting over access to birth control?"
How to make abortion rarer. Bans and restrictions do not work. Superior birth control does.
Reproductive Rights are Human Rights!
Childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime
"How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime | Nadine Burke Harris"
Dr. Harris makes a very compelling case that children must be helped.
Some of these children now separated from their parents will never be reunited. These children will suffer in some ways for the rest of their lives. This did NOT have to happen!
THIS ☝ ☝
They do NOT hear the truth!
They live in their bubble world, go to their bubble churches, and listen ONLY to their RW lying "news" sources.
They consider the truth to be lies.
I know too many of these people, people who will never admit that they've been snookered. It's just too painful. (It took the South 100 years to get over the Civil War. Some places still have reenactments - guess they're hoping for a different outcome?
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