Duppers's JournalIt's practically impossible for me
To befriend such people... I simply cannot contain my contempt for them. Their negative, bigoted attitudes just overwhelm me. This also applies to my extended family.
I am also surrounded here but not by the worst of them, thank goodness.
Our Eastern Seaboard bats are our best insecticide.
Here on the east coast we'd be overcome with mosquitoes were it not for our bats. I experience these critters, mammals by the way, almost every night on my midnight walks. I welcome their swishing by my head - better that than swatting some Nile-Virus carrying mosquito. Seriously.
What I'm asking, folks, is to please not fear these critters. They're an important part of our ecological system.
Here's a "terrifying" video of fruit eating bats...
The State of New York has Trump's nuts in a vice.
And Pence, of course, cannot pardon Trump from a state convicted crime. Trump will SERVE TIME. Perhaps even his kids too.
Not just the US. I was told by an officer in London.
While waiting in a London train station breastfeeding my son while COVERED with a blanket, I was told by an officer that I could not do that in public and that I had to go to the restroom to breastfeed my baby!! That officer must have stared at me a little while to have even concluded that I was nursing. My son's feet were dangling from beneath the blanket.
It was late night and the stinky restroom was practically dark. I fumed. I was exhausted since we had just returned from France, a day-long trip by train from the Alsace region, and had to make another leg of the trip up to Cambridge to our flat.
I had never imagined that the English would've have been that damn prudish. I had never been told while nursing in public, always under a blanket, here in the States to get myself out-of-sight.
The French, of course, did not have a problem with my breastfeeding in public. Always covered, of course.
This happened in 1990.
Bet he just doubles up on his pharmaceuticals
Which he's not handling well now. This is going to get even more "interesting" - and <gulp> dangerous.
When they eventually come to lock him up, it will be in a padded cell.
Designed the house I live in.
Two-story cape cod style. Took years dreaming of the floor plan - put the dream on paper, then to a builder.
Dangerous things: camped, slept on the ground sans tent on a bear trail, heard the bear walking near. Oh, and parachuted.
All of the former living presidents should gather
And confront this Orange insanity. They should write a joint editorial condemning his behavior and it should be published in all major newspapers in the country.
Your good bet is a sure thing.
"Trapped in this frozen soil and vegetation is more than twice the carbon found in the atmosphere."And it's thawing at an unprecedented accelerated rate.
And how can we, as a society, talk of space travel when we're burning down the home we live in? As the guy in Newsroom said, the fire truck should've been called decades ago.
The hearings may kill Trump's admin but we need the corrupt,
...colluding, supporting structure of most of the Republican Party brought down. They know what is happening and are themselves hiding his crimes as much as they can.
This snake's body will continue choking us even after its head is cut off. Pence is criminally dirty too and we should talk about that.
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