Duppers's JournalSaw the Crossroads concert in 2007 ...
..in Charlottesville, VA. Trucks was playing with Clapton & strangely enough, racist Claption had black backup singers! And Robert Cray played a set or two.
I enjoyed the heck out of hearing him live for the first time.
Thank you.
Got chewed up in the lounge a few weeks ago for stating that I'll continue to wear my masks post-vaccination because of many factors, mainly due to what I'd read re: variants.
I was told that I was just "virtue signaling" and that it wasn't science and that masks had become "a comfort object." I have at least 3 comorbidities, so I wasn't happy. Hope they're eating their words now.
No here.
There is some justice in the fact that Jocelyn...
..was finally awarded The Breakthrough Prize which rewarded her $3million!* She was the soul recipient! (They recognized the injustice.) The Nobel, although very prestigious comes with a $1.2 million award.
*But Jocelyn gave the $3million away to charity!
My dh knew Hewish during his 3yrs at Churchill College, Cambridge U. In his opinion, Hewish was a snot who wouldn't respond to correspondence regarding the head of the Cavendish Lab, who was a good friend of ours.
What a SWEET story. 💕
These sweet little ones seem the very opposite of my much larger Shetland pony. They're adorable little Loves.
Did ya know...
Ponies tend to be more stoic and intelligent than larger horses.
It's a mistake to see this as docility. They can be quite wily, which is why it's sometimes easier to find a quiet horse for a child than a reliable pony.
Ponies are very adept at avoiding work and withstanding the consequences.
Sep 23, 2019
Once owned a little Shetland hellion who knew every little trick to rid herself of any kid ridding her. My dad sold her after less than a year. I carried a big scar on my leg for yrs which had resulted from one of her "scraping me off" tricks.
That'd make a mockery of Teddy Roosevelt's...
It would then seem that keeping the presidency "unblemished," which it's not been, is more important than applying our laws. Sadly. Our presidents aren't infallible kings.
Was invited to a neighbor's birthday party
Over a yr ago. Surprisingly the topic of a huge lottery winnings amt came up from someone, so I said I've never played the lottery.
An obviously Republican woman piped up: "Me either. I don't want to help anyone I don't know!!!"
That selfish witch! I was stunned speechless. Wish I'd thought to say that lottery tickets profits in Virginia fund K-12 public education. And our host was a teacher! Bet she has not been invited back.
I'm sure that hypocritical witch goes to church every Sunday and with a clear conscience.
This is how they think, how they live!
What really pisses me off is why these people want...
to listen to those lies, that crap. They had choices - whatever made them want to listen to those lying sons of b****** to begin with?
I think it was a.m. talk radio that hooked my brother way back when he was driving a long-hauler. I once tried to listen to Limbaugh for 10mins but couldn't - I became so angry I had to turn him off. Same with Faux Lies.
Doesn't it have to do with southern "white male fragility" and that insightful quote of LBJ's?:
"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."
Just repeating folks here: it's about racism, culture, perverted religion, egos, and yes, ignorance, not facts or policies for them. LBJ knew he lost the South for Democrats. With the help of rich, lying media (& their churches) that minority is now threatening our democracy.
Problem is they cannot reason through their conditioning. That's the plague of humanity.
Lead levels higher than Flint's in 1000's of locales
Reuters finds lead levels higher than Flints in thousands of localesMAP at link...
And another very detailed map here:
Strangely, read it without hestitation.
But I know I'm losing my marbles/my short-term memory. I'm concerned but husband's seriously worried about me!
At this rate, I'll be ready for "memory care" by age 85.
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