Duppers's JournalQuote for the day
If we are to have another contest in the near future of our national existence, I predict that the dividing line will not be Mason and Dixon's but between patriotism and intelligence on the one side, and superstition, ambition and ignorance on the other.
- Ulysses S. Grant, military commander, 18th US President (1822-1885)
Absolutely! And ....
Both the majority of religious and non-religious people consider information provided by scientists to be more credible and reliable than information provided by religious leaders.
Source: University of Amsterdam
And so is spirituality, imo.
From Wiki...
Secular spirituality
Naturalized spirituality is spirituality without any need for the 'other‐worldly.'
Spirituality is one of the goals, perhaps the ultimate goal, of philosophy."
This 'universal truth' can be experienced through a secular, non-religious world view, without the need for a concept of 'higher power' or a 'supernatural being.'
All true. Excellent description.
An original Hamblen Co./Morristownian here, born and grew up there. It's very "clicky."
I also love Dolly & Stella and also follow her on twitter.
Not too fond of my hometown, except for the Little Dutch Restaurant (see other customer below. And yep, this is who you think it is, Harrison Ford with his wife Calissa Flockhart and The Little Dutch owner in between.)
When my mother died 2yrs ago, I rejoiced that I'd never have to set foot in that damn town again... except when we want to eat at the Little Dutch Restaurant. And, btw, their Pizza Hut & Ky-Fried have much better foods than most other of their locations do.
Toxic & Sadistic
Not only are Texans sick but so are the Spainish with their sick, sadistic bull fights.
The Spanish conquistadors and Spanish-Mexican settlers played a key role in the origin of rodeo with the introduction and propagation of horses and cattle in the Southwest.
Rodeos - Texas State Historical Association
ALL blood sports are inhumane and sick, imo.
Shanghai air quality
Seemed rather ok but Beijing's was BAD when I was there in 2010. Our plane landed in Beijing what seemed like a forest fire of smoke...of which the Chinese were very aware. Many, if not most, were wearing a mask.
I'm glad they institutionalized the one child rule; they KNOW expanding human populations is causing the problem.
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Gender: Do not displayMember since: Tue Sep 14, 2004, 11:13 PM
Number of posts: 28,262