JudyM's JournalMy 10,000th post: Could circumstances be any better to register voters? Carpe Diem!
We Dems have the means to start a fire here, with masses of people riveted on the mounting in-justice. This is peak time we can and must take advantage of it, of this point in time, to register as many voters as we can.
We are fighting against gerrymandering, padded voting machine tallies, mysteriously phantomed voter rolls, blatant lying, corrupt donations, faux news, etc., etc. This is OUR TURN to TURN THE TABLES. Could be our last chance.
That blue wave needs to be huge to take our democracy back but all lending a hand it can happen https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/republicans-are-favorites-in-the-senate-but-democrats-have-two-paths-to-an-upset/ (and Beto is doing better now than when this article was written).
How to get started:
1. Find your states voter registration deadline here: https://www.vote.org/voter-registration-deadlines/
2. Contact your local democratic committee or check for other local dem groups who are registering voters. Or go it alone, plenty of resources online to help find the forms/process youll need. Its essential to follow your state/local procedures.
3. Get out there as soon as you can. If you can organize a voter registration drive yourself or with friends, even better. College campuses, Pride festivals, whenever and wherever.
So many resources online for this, take your pick.
You can also send this link around to everyone you know to make sure yall are still registered: https://www.vote.org/am-i-registered-to-vote/
Just DU it! Even if its your first time.
Please kick for potential volunteer Duers.
Anyone else registering voters?
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Gender: Do not displayMember since: Tue Oct 26, 2004, 11:19 AM
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