cilla4progress's JournalThank god Gov. Inslee!
Birx singing his praises at the shitshow for curve in WA (flattening). Gotta piss of drumpf. Oh yeah, now he's making excuses for why Inslee / WA doing so well: it was contained at the nursing home.
I imagine Birx will get a dressing down after the presser.
CBS audio recording on Rachel
drumpf interfering to affirmatively block supply chain.
When is it too much?
I see drumpf is doing this deliberately. He needs to be gone.
During impeachment my husband and I would always say
It's history in the making.
This is WORLD history we're living, folks....
With rw fundies like Liberty U reopening
and trumphumpers mocking and ignoring social distancing...
Demographics could look quite different after this!
Hope this isn't a dupe. Healing music.
Share what music you are finding healing right now?
Tapped into fear
More than I would have liked today.
Life has always been fragile. More fragile than we might have realized.
(Maybe needs its own group?)
My house hasn't been this clean since I was last unemployed!! 🤣
Also, sarcasm thingy...
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