hootinholler's JournalBecause Woody would so be there
I think Bernie's supporters should start singing "This Land Is Your Land" while waiting for Bernie to come to the stadium.
I suspect that Woody "This machine Kills Fascists" Guthrie would approve whole heartedly, both of the use of his epic song and Bernie's candidacy.
Plus what is more American than a sing-along? Maybe we should form filking groups for mass transit.
Why would you follow a weather vane?
It just shows you where the wind is coming from, spinning as the winds change. It won't help you escape the path of a storm.
When you need to know what direction to move, you need a compass. A pointer that is rock steady in where it aims without regard to the winds. A thing that has always pointed that direction. An instrument that can help you find your bearings and help you find a path to your goals.
That's quite the headline
Then there's this, I'm shocked.
I hope they are wrong on the count.
I'm starting to feel bad for Hillary Supporters
That video (not my headline) was Bernie's message to the Wisconsin Democratic Party's convention. The subsequent straw poll came out putting Bernie 8 points off Hillary, and she didn't crack 50% support.
I've never been one to support a frontrunner, so I've never directly experienced an evaporating lead, but I bet it's frustrating as hell. You have my sympathies, I think it could be quite harrowing.
All y'all are welcome to join us on the right side of history anytime. Sorry, that's just like my opinion there. I actually do believe that Bernie is on the right side of history. Here's why.
Bernie is talking about building an actual Grass Roots Progressive National Coalition. Think about that for a minute. Who was the last person to effectively do such a thing? What was the result? To my memory, it was Dr. King. Do I really need to talk about the second question? I will say I don't much like the end game there.
Before that? FDR had a pretty good one.
History has treated them both fairly well.
Together, we finally have someone who can give a focal point such that we are enabled to set things right, even if only for a while. For a generation. I'll take that result. FDR's revolution lasted about a generation and there are still pieces there to be built upon. I'll take that. I want to be a part of making that happen. I don't want my kids worrying about health care anymore. I don't want my kids having to raise outrageous sums just to be educated. I don't want my grandchildren living underground because the surface is too dangerous because of heat or storms.
Bernie understands that the coalition needs to be engaged continuously, not just during elections. If we can't get him a proper congress in this election, he will have it for the mid-term election.
I'll take that We The People actually means People for a while and I finally see an opportunity to make that happen. I finally think it might actually be possible.
So, come to the dark side, we have beer and travel money owed.
The Harrow
A farm implement to break up the clods after a field is plowed:
It comes in many configurations. The one above tends to trap the existing growth that was plowed under and drag it along.
Unfortunately the practice of harrowing a field leads to serious erosion issues. Sometimes the field fails the predicted yield because of it, especially if there's a vigorous rain clearing the air.
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