hootinholler's JournalSeriously?
Late afternoon, or early evening the night before, eat a big tub of theater popcorn, extra butter, then an hour or two later Hit a local watering hole and slam the first two Cuba Libres. If you like the pickled sausages behind the bar, then by all means indulge in a couple.
After a night of drinking Cuba Libre with lots of Libre, if you get my drift stop for "midrats" at 2 from an all night Taco Bell, or anything that needs microwaved in the prepared food case at a 7-11. For some reason the rum builds fierce aromatics as it's passed through. 600mg of Ibuprofen before bed.
For breakfast, coffee while you cook a half a dozen eggs, scrambled with some goat cheese and salsa washed down with a quart of whole milk. Should leave a sulfur note on top of the Rum aromatics. Oh, and more coffee, you're gonna need it to combat the hangover
Being submarine qualified, I know a thing or two about farts.
ETA: OH! Happy Father's Day! I find the subject of farts to be apropos.
So, where do you draw the line?
What line? The one where you can do something while under FBI scrutiny.
Buy groceries, but not a gun. Sounds reasonable to me. Drive a car? Ok.
Run for Mayor? The Senate? President?
Where do you draw the line?
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