shenmue's JournalPolice beat, arrest LGBT+ people in Belarus is horrible.
Everybody can get married in Thailand! King signs bill supporting marriage equality marriages can begin in January, 2025.
Edit: Fixed link. Thanks.
Scottish comedian Janey Goldey in palliative care
She's battled cancer for years.
If you don't know her, she's the one who became world-renowned when she stood next to Trump's golf course and held up a sign that said, "Trump is a-"
Check the link.
Update about Chief Inspector Murphy
This afternoon, he got an x-ray at the vet.
He does not need surgery, just medication.
He's coming home today.
Thank you for your good thoughts!
Chief Inspector Murphy is a little ill today :(
I ask you to send him good thoughts.
Thank you very much.
Mom and Dad think he may have a blockage. He isn't eating much.
I appreciate all your kind wishes.
Chief Inspector Murphy turned 12 years old this year!
Happy birthday, Chief Inspector!
His big day was Aug. 20. Yay!
Anybody know what flowers or vegetables I can plant this time of year in Florida?
I have a planter just outside the front door. It's not very big, but it could use some new plantlings.
Daughter of Cameroon president seen kissing possible girlfriend in public
Homosexuality is illegal in Cameroon. There is the possibility of jail time.
Brenda Biya, the daughter, spends most of her time outside of Cameroon.
The woman saving trans lives at the U.S.-Mexico border"Susana 'Susy' Barrales cuts a dash in downtown Tijuana, exchanging hellos with neighbors, friends and acquaintances whenever she heads out from her modest office..."
Kudos to this woman, and to the people she helps.
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Gender: Do not displayHometown: Flushing, NY
Home country: USA
Current location: Florida
Member since: Wed Nov 24, 2004, 05:33 PM
Number of posts: 38,538