k8conant's JournalHow Today’s Bernie Sanders New York Rally Compared to Hillary Clinton’s (PHOTOS)
http://usuncut.com/politics/bernie-biggest-rally-ever-today/There she went again: "I tried to have your back and time and time again you had mine"
It seems she didn't have their back but they had hers.
That sounds a lot like "I've always tried to tell the truth". Saying you tried means you didn't succeed.
As Hillary Loses Big Again, AP Plays the Race Card to Explain Away Sanders' Wisconsin Win
http://newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/tom-blumer/2016/04/05/hillary-loses-big-again-ap-plays-race-card-explain-away-sanders"Despite headlining the story at its front page as relating to Cruz, AP's story covered both races. Here what Julie Pace and Scott Bauer wrote about Sanders' victory ...
draping front-runners Trump and Clinton in uncertainty and preventing both from fully setting their sights on the general election.
For Sanders, Wisconsin was favorable territory, with an overwhelming white electorate and liberal pockets of voters"
Darn that Bernie Sanders. He's winning in predominantly white states and distracting Mrs. Clinton from the all-important task of winning the general election."
Superdelegates Retained By Democrats Despite Their Ridiculous Role In 2008 Election
This is from 2010:
Emily's List called again today for money...
I told the woman that I would not donate again until there is a declared nominee for President.
She tried to tell me that they support all progressive Democratic woman candidates. She seemed a bit flustered when I told her Hillary Clinton was not progressive.
I told her no money.
Politico: Clinton super PAC won't spend more on primary
Looks like they're giving up on her primary fight too soon!
"We need you Obi Wan.."
Danny DeVito introducing Bernie Sanders in Missouri this afternoon.
It looks as if Trump trumped Kasich on MSNBC.
There was supposed to be a Kasich town hall with Willie Geist and all we hear is the Trump Chicago fiasco.
No wonder he is still self-funded and media-funded.
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