Maru Kitteh
Maru Kitteh's JournalAre Trump Supporters Too Dumb To Know They’re Dumb? Science Says “Probably”
How the hell can anybody call themselves intelligent when theyre supporting Donald Trump? Its a question that baffles people who are able to think critically, able to read and comprehend both history and current events, and able to see through Trumps thin façade of know-it-all-ism and deep into what he is an ignorant, narcissistic, and dangerous conman.
Trump supporters not only dont see this, theyre happy that theres someone running for president that thinks exactly like them. Take Melanie Austin, of Brownsville, Pennsylvania. She thought her beliefs about Obama being a gay Muslim from Kenya and Michelle being transgender were just fringe beliefs right up until she started hearing similar stuff from Trump and other right-wing extremists.
Now she knows shes right about all of this. You cant tell her that shes ignorant and dumb if she cant figure this out for herself. You cant tell her shes delusional. You can sit there with her, and countless others like her, and present facts, figures, charts, studies, and more, all from the most reputable sources there are, and prove that her lord and savior is wrong, and youll still get shot down.
Theres more to this than the problem of confirmation bias. Austin gets much of her information from fringe right-wing blogs and conspiracy sites, but thats not all of it. Many of Trumps supporters are seriously too dumb to know theyre dumb. Its called the Dunning-Kruger effect, and its an unshakeable illusion that youre much smarter, and more skilled and/or knowledgeable, than you really are.
Hillary writes touching letter to 7yo who wanted to be called "Lillary"
On the night the first woman ever secured enough delegates to win a major partys nomination for president, Jennifer Rosen-Heinz watched her little girl jump around their living room in Madison, Wis., in celebration. Seven-year-old Lillys enthusiasm for Hillary Clintons success wasnt motivated by ideology or party. Rather, the little girl saw on the television the promise of what she could someday be.
Rosen-Heinz, a Clinton supporter but unaffiliated with the campaign, was so moved by her daughters aspirations that she decided to share Lillys desired name change with the Clinton campaign. She went to the website, clicked the Contact Us link and filled out a standard online form.
Thank you, Hillary
for shattering that glass ceiling for ALL girls and women in this country, Rosen-Heinz wrote in closing. Lilly dreams of making real change not despite being a girl, but BECAUSE shes a girl, and she knows her possibilities are infinite. She signed it casually, Jennifer.
I didnt expect it to be read, Rosen-Heinz said in an interview. But I wanted the message to get to someone that [Hillarys campaign] is deeply moving and personal for this little girl and a lot of little girls out there.
But someone did read it.
915,729,293 is my new most favorite number
This is it y'all. The wheels have fallen off the bus. The proverbial lady of abundant size is belting out the entire Rogers & Hammerstein catalogue. The emperor has no penis.
Trump Tax Return Shows He Could Have Avoided Taxes for 18 Years: NYT
by Phil Helsel
The New York Times on Saturday published documents it said were Donald Trump's 1995 income tax returns, and the documents appear to show the businessman and GOP nominee reported a nearly $1 billion loss.
Trump declared a nearly $916 million loss on his 1995 state income tax returns according to the documents, the Times reported in an article posted online Saturday night.
An unsigned statement from the Trump campaign posted to its website late Saturday did not appear to deny or dispute a single fact in the Times story, but asserted the document was "illegally obtained."
More at link:
I have some friends who have been FFR for months even though hides have now fallen to 1 or 2
in the last 90 days.
Long-time members (10yrs+), Hillary supporters, donors, who had hides in the primaries and have been waiting patiently for those hides to fall away so they may be restored to posting in our community.
Their hides have fallen away and yet they remain in DU purgatory.
They would like to respectfully contribute to our community again and join in the important fight we all face against the most vile threat to progress and democracy we seen in modern times. Their voices are needed. Time is critical and I believe we will do best with all hands on deck.
Is it possible with the changes made to DU, that some of these donating members languishing in FFR with only one or two hides may be the result of some software glitch?
As always, thank you for your time to consider this matter.
~ MaruK
Melania Trump on slathering her son Barron with fish eggs "from head to toe" every night.
This whole family is . . . . off.
Apparently before The Donald ordered the summary execution of his wife's website, she sold $150/oz skin cream made from caviar. Now that all of her enterprises have gone the way of Trump steaks, I wonder if she has to douse young master Trump with more pedestrian fish eggs instead. Perish the thought.
A 2013 interview with ABC and repeated in the Daily Mail reported:
He also enjoys luxurious caviar skin treatments every night after taking a bath at his family home - the gold-encrusted $100 million triplex penthouse in New York's Trump Tower.
The mother-of-one said that she slathers her eponymous Caviar Complex C6 moisturizer on her son's body from 'head to toe.'
'He likes it . . . It smells very, very fresh,' she explained.
Read more:
On a side note, Trump always looks stiff, forced, and cruel with children. Melania looks pissed at him for manhandling her little "mini-Donald" like he is, and as usual, young Barron looks like the loneliest kid on Earth. What a bizarre and unnatural experience his life must be.
Cops and soldiers, carpenters and welders!
In his dim-witted tirade today, Donald Trump was very specific about what kinds of people he claims are supporting him who were being insulted by Hillary's comment about a "basket of deplorables," and it looks like in his world - those are men.
Yes, most of the planet has grown enough to know that women are cops, soldiers, carpenters and welders. But in TrumpLand, I assure you, those are men. And the only ones that are any good, are the white ones.
So we have here yet another screaming dog-whistle of sexism. The castrating bitch who dares to criticize men. The femminazi who wants to sever your manhood by demanding you treat women and minorities as equals. Equals!
Look at any Trump rally as of late. It's almost exclusively white men. That is what they are insulted by. A woman who dared to criticize white men.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're going to need a bigger basket.
My 15,000th (and one) post! I love you guys :-)
When this board was kind of a mess for a while, the HRC group helped me keep my sanity and my focus. The joy and camaraderie here has been sustaining and helped make DU a fun place to be. The best information about Hillary and her amazing journey was always found in here - and it still is!
I'm looking forward to our experiences going forward as we watch our amazing candidate continue through the general election and her inauguration as PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.
So, shout out to you, HRC group! Y'all are the bees knees.
Brexit, Russia Today (RT) and Comrade Jill Stein, willing tool of a fascist autocrat.
Stein in Moscow
Jill Stein appeared to take immense enjoyment at engaging in her usual shtick of attacking our country and President Obama while she was in Moscow last winter, having a lovely dinner with Vladimir Putin and Trump's military advisor, Michael Flynn. Just look at that smile! She seems so pleased with herself. Very nice comrade!
Trump's guy Flynn is in the tux, seated to Putin's right. Stein is wearing a grey sweater.
Invited to speak by Putin's mouthpiece, RT or "Russia Today," Stein herself reports in a video she posted to YouTube that she used the opportunity to criticize US foreign policy and human rights. She apparently declined to bring up Putin and Russia's brutal record on human rights; killing journalists, poisoning dissenters, supporting chemical warfare, and the continued criminalization and state-sanctioned brutality and discrimination against the LGBT citizens of Russia and the Ukraine. Well done comrade!
Stein Campaign Ads
So much of what comrade Stein is up to these days points far away from any real concern for a progressive agenda, and more towards doing the bidding of Vladimir Putin and his fondest admirer, Donald Trump.
Stein's advertisements are concerned primarily with spreading lies and smears about our Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton; the only person who can keep Trump out of the White House and our country moving forward on the path of progress. In Stein's ads, the Putin-loving Trump is dismissed quite briefly as kind of a goof who has said terrible things, while HRC is instead painted as the baby-killing harbinger of the end of all life on the planet.
An Open Secrets report dated July 21 states that Stein had a mere $235,000 cash on hand and owed herself $40,000. But lately she's been running a string of ads seen across the country on both CNN and MSNBC. Who is paying for those ads?
It seems only prudent to consider who the ads will benefit the most. Next year, one of two people will be sworn into office. Hillary Rodham Clinton or Putin-loving Donald Trump. Even comrade Stein isn't so stupid as to believe she will win the election. Stein's commercials are clearly designed to weaken HRC, and as such have but one electoral goal - the election of Donald Trump.
Putin, Brexit, and How RT hearts Stein
When Great Britain made the shocking decision to leave the EU, Stein proclaimed the bigotry-driven Brexit an awesome victory! before she scrubbed her praiseful words and said she was against it.
Hmmm, that's weird. Why was she so happy about the Brexit passing? A weakened EU is beneficial to Putin, and it seems his network, RT did all they could to encourage the "leave" vote, while Putin himself of course, feigned neutrality.
Analysis of recent news stories shows a clear bias towards quoting anti-EU campaigners in articles that claim to show balance. One news story quotes extreme right-wing Polish politician Janusz Korwin-Mikke, who says Britain would be right to leave the EU. (He also offers his support for Trump because Clinton is supported by the Jews.)
Comrade Stein is a familiar and regular guest on Putin's RT, where she enjoys fawning coverage of her rants against Hillary Clinton and her endless criticisms of the United States. RT speaks of Stein and the Greens in glowing and hopeful tones, stating that they are headed for "an historic election," while running headlines about Hillary Clinton like "NY Primary fraud details revealed, Hillarys Money laundering," "Hillary is used to beating, kicking and abusing her own husband" and "Trump outflanks Hillary after Republican convention."
RT even hosted the Green Party "Presidential debates." I apologize for having no quotes from those debates, but truthfully, I'd rather chew on glass than watch that drivel.
Jill and Putin, Sittin' in a Tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g!
Jill Stein repeatedly claims she is not beholden to corporate interests. It has become remarkably clear however, who exactly she does seem beholden to. Her cozy and close relationship to Putin (the ultimate 1%er) and RT, her reticence to level any serious criticisms of Donald Trump, and her vicious, seething attacks against Hillary show her for what she really is. Jill Stein is the willing tool of a fascist autocrat; working to elect Donald Trump. And thus, henceforth, she will always be to me, Comrade Stein.
AntiVAX panderista, QUACK, & all-around hateful asshole Jill Stein just had a commercial on CNN.
Open Secrets says that she had $235,000 cash on hand as of July 21.
What right-wing group is funneling money to the Green party now to get them ads on TV? Karl Rove and "American Crossroads" again?
Rove's habit of giving to anyone he thinks can weaken Hillary Clinton is well-documented (note, this is NOT about the primary which is WAY over - this is about ROVE working to weaken our nominee)
American Crossroads and Bernie Sanders helped Nevada caucus-goers see right through Hillary Clintons manufactured zeal on immigration reform after spewing virulent Trump-like rhetoricand that one-two punch shaved Clintons 50-point lead a year ago to a slim, single digit win, Steven Law, Crossroads CEO and president, said in a statement.
Crossroads is one of several groups that has released ads that have been aimed at branding Sanders as the only true progressive in the racea strategy the Vermont senators campaign also embraces.
If it helps push the needle so that she loses a state, and she comes out a weakened candidate, then fantastic, said Ian Prior, communications director for Crossroads.
Stein and her band of puritopian jack-holes are not alone, and The Greens are NOT our allies.
Repub candidates have been pushed continually to the right; angrier, more extreme, more intolerant
Since the dawn of the century at least, Republican candidates have been pushed harder and harder by their electorate to embrace the angry and frightened (mostly male) white voter, with ever increasing displays of intolerance for the positions or plights of minorities, immigrants and women.
Accordingly and for obvious reason, their numbers among minorities and women have been falling like a stone. Who stays with the "binder full of women" party whose nominee this year says that women subject to workplace harassment should just get themselves a new career? Who stays to put up with a party that nominates a man found guilty twice of discriminating against black tenants and says that BLM protestors at his rallies should be "roughed up?" Who stays with the party who nominates a man who says that most people from Mexico are "rapists?"
I know we're not past this election cycle. Really I do - but I still have to ask; when Cheeto looses, who on Earth are these cretins going to nominate next? Will they have to just jump straight to David Duke in 2020? It's a scary thought.
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