CaliforniaPeggy's JournalThe Keystone Pipeline, on Time Magazine's cover: This Is A Fake Cover.
The Coca-Cola commercial you'll never see on the air: and the Republicans: on the lighter side
The Decanto Poetry Magazine/Anthology has seen fit to publish a poem of mine!
Elegy To My GrandmotherGrandmothers gone
She of the auburn red hair, braided into buns
over her ears
She can no longer advise me,
she who gave me space
as I grew into adulthood
on that summer day when I was young.
She saw me as an adult
the way no one else had.
She made no judgments
on my ways.
She supported my moods
however they showed.
She can no longer polish her
hardwood floors.
Her Swede-killer brush has gone
and there is no one to wield it.
Nor are there any floors
to polish anymore
Gone too are the windows I gazed from
into the soft summer nights
when my heart was torn
by desire and loss.
The windows where I saw the faint outlines
and red tail lights of the car
belonging to my hearts first
love and my bodys desire.
She is gone, who gave me a melancholy book
to match my mood.
She had been in that place
She knew what I needed
She stood by me.
I miss her.
© MLC 2012
I am overwhelmed...Thank you for my hearts!
Thank you seems so inadequate, but it is all I have...
Fracking halted in New York State! From a post on Facebook...
Seismologik Intelligence
Congratulations NY, Governor Cuomo has put a halt on FRACKING in New York State. This would not have happened without the hard work and dedication of all the many groups, activists, organizers and concerned citizens who stood up and spoke out against the fossil fuel industry. Next up: NO TO TAR SANDS. #ForwardonClimate! We will see you in Washington D.C!
Small Things
I was busy today, on purpose...
I didn't sleep well last night, so I was determined to do as much physical work as I could, so I'll sleep tonight...
It was not much, just a bunch of small things, but for me, it was remarkable.
One thing I did that struck me: I pulled my sleeves up to do the dishes. Before, I was so weak that my husband had to pull them up for me, while I braced against him. I don't need to do that now...
I did a bunch of laundry, filled the ice trays, scoured a dirty pan...Like I said, not much. Before, in my pre-surgical days, I would have laughed at these as Accomplishments.
Not any more...
I am getting stronger, even when I don't realize it.
I thank all of you for your support as I pass through this challenging time...
Well, today has been mostly a wasted one for me...Until a moment ago.
I looked out my window, and this is what I saw:
And then I felt as though somehow my day had been redeemed...
**More Update**
Well, it's been 3 weeks since my shoulder replacement surgery and today I saw my doc.
I told him I'm feeling very tired and with low energy. He thinks this is due to the fall I had beforehand, and then the surgery itself.
And of course, the remedy is time.
He said I can take off the sling now and then, which is both scary and a relief. He wants me to start using that arm a little...
I will continue with the home visits from PT which will also get more active instead of passive range of motion.
On the positive side, I can now shower and wash my hair! That will be so good....sponge baths just don't cut it all the time...
So here we are...
I really appreciate all the support you've all shown me.........
Profile Information
Name: PeggyGender: Female
Hometown: Manhattan Beach, CA
Home country: USA
Current location: At home
Member since: Thu Feb 3, 2005, 02:41 PM
Number of posts: 151,269