CaliforniaPeggy's JournalFull Moon, tonight, April 29, 2018.
It had just risen in the SSE, behind and partially obscured by my giant rubber tree. A couple of the photos have indistinct shadows, and those are from the tree. Hope you enjoy!
Tonight I got down to the beach, hoping that the skies would be beautiful...
They were OK, but not like last night........but I did get some shots of the sunset and one of the moon that I was pleased with.
Seize the in the moment!
My good friend WCGreen felt and lived this way, all his life. Since he was chronically ill, he had to, if he wanted to live at all. He died young, but his life had been full in many ways that those of us stuck in our little grooves never experience. He taught me so much about living!
He is gone, but his influence on me goes forward. I have learned how to get out of my oh-so-comfortable rut and live life on the edge!
Thanks for your great post, my dear Stuart G. It's a good one, and now it's on the Greatest Page, where more people will see, and benefit from it.
The moon and Venus were close together at sunset tonight...
So, here are some photos!
The hills in Malibu:
The moon and Venus:
The moon by itself:
Remind me, please...just what does RWNJ stand for?
RW=right wing, I got that part.
I have no clue about the NJ.
I wanted to take some photos today, but it wasn't very pretty outside...
So I turned to these horses, which are all part of a wonderful wall decoration:
Profile Information
Name: PeggyGender: Female
Hometown: Manhattan Beach, CA
Home country: USA
Current location: At home
Member since: Thu Feb 3, 2005, 01:41 PM
Number of posts: 152,878