In_The_Wind's Journal😱 An eggnog surprise
On his way home from work Mr ITW stopped by the discount bakery for milk and eggnog.
After supper I wandered into the kitchen for a glass of eggnog. On my way back down the hall with a half empty glass I stopped to ask Mr ITW how he liked this year's eggnog.
He said: "I'll let you know after I try some."
Mr ITW didn't open the container I poured my eggnog from. 😱
So mote it be.
Did you miss me?
My old laptop computer quit after 14 years. I've been working at getting my older desktop computer hooked up and running.
They say all is fair in love and war But that ain't true, it's wrong They ship you out to die for us
He was nineteen
When he landed at Bagram
Scared and all alone
He lost a leg and a girlfriend
Before he got home
They say all is fair in love and war
But that ain't true, it's wrong
They ship you out to die for us
Forget about you when you don't
Having nightmares
And he's running scared
Far from home
And he wakes up
From a nightmare
He's in another one
He's still not home
They call 'em decorated heroes
And pin some medals on their chest
Give 'em a tiny little pension
Could we do much less
They say all is fair in love and war
But that ain't true, it's wrong
They ship you out to die for us
Forget about you when you don't
They say all is fair in love and war
But that ain't true, it's wrong
They ship you out to die for us
Forget about you when you don't
They say all is fair in love and war
But that ain't true, it's wrong
They ship you out to die for us
But forget about you when you don't
Orionid Meteor Shower 2017 Peaking Now
The annual Orionid meteor shower peaks this weekend, and the moon wont interfere.
HUDSON VALLEY, NY The Orionid meteor shower will peak Friday, Oct. 20 through Sunday, Oct. 22, but observant Hudson Valley skywatchers may have already seen a few meteors streaking across the sky from the annual show. The meteors some of the fastest and brightest produced by any showers this year will continue to fly through Nov. 7 as Earth hits a stream of debris left behind by Halleys Comet head-on.
The Orionids, so-named because they originate from near the constellation Orion (The Hunter), are expected to produce between 10 to 30 meteors an hour this year, though in some years as many as 80 meteors an hour can blaze across the sky.
As with most meteor showers, the best time to view them is after midnight through the pre-dawn hours.
See Uranus Tonight
HUDSON VALLEY, NY The gas-packed planet Uranus will be at its closest point to Earth Thursday night as it reaches opposition with the sun meaning it will be bathed in light and it should be visible to the naked eye. The ice giants blue-green color is unmistakable, and skywatchers should be able to see the planet throughout the month of October.
Uranus properly pronounced YOOR-a-nus is the seventh planet from the sun and the third largest in the solar system. It floats in front of the constellation Pisces the Fishes, and it hasnt been this high in the sky during opposition since February 1963.
Theres a new moon, so Uranus wont face competition in the same area of the sky. It reaches its peak at 1 a.m. local time.
Rest in peace, Tom Petty
It sounds like there's a hitchhiker on the Hibiscus I brought in for tonight.
Maybe it's a tree frog.
Profile Information
Gender: FemaleHometown: Atlanta, Georgia
Home country: USA
Current location: Watching my Koi Pond in upstate New York.
Member since: Mon Apr 25, 2005, 10:44 PM
Number of posts: 72,300