riqster's JournalNever Forget: On this Day in 2001, Bush Ignored the Bin Laden Threat.
http://bluntandcranky.wordpress.com/2013/08/07/never-forget-on-this-day-in-2001-bush-ignored-the-bin-laden-threat/May he burn in Hell for his many failings. But for this one, he should be provided with an extra hod of brimstone.
Republicans Ignore the Law, and Harass Gays for Being Gay (X-Post from GD)
"Those same Republicans who want the government off our backs want that same government to dictate what we do when one of us is on our back. So, they are jailing people for being gay, and never mind what the Supreme Court says. "
"The constitutional rights of gays are being violated (as seen here). The constitutional rights of women are being violated (reproductive matters). The constitutional rights of all Americans are being violated (via the NSA monitoring programs). We are all at risk, people, regardless of skin color, chromosomes, or any other characteristic you might care to consider."
Republicans Ignore the Law, and Harass Gays for Being Gay
"Those same Republicans who want the government off our backs want that same government to dictate what we do when one of us is on our backs. So, they are jailing people for being gay, and never mind what the Supreme Court says. "
"The constitutional rights of gays are being violated (as seen here). The constitutional rights of women are being violated (reproductive matters). The constitutional rights of all Americans are being violated (via the NSA monitoring programs). We are all at risk, people, regardless of skin color, chromosomes, or any other characteristic you might care to consider."
More at the link.
Since Rick Perry, Ted Cruz and John Cornyn don’t care about Texas, Obama does their Job for Them
"Since Obama isnt beholden to these industries, he is free to act: first, he told the regulatory agencies to, well, regulate for a frickin change; and he also put the smack on FEMA, making them give West disaster relief.
So, yay for the Prexy and all that. He has done good work here. The real question is: why wont the Republican public servants that Texas keeps electing do that good work themselves?"
More at the link.
Kasich and Kronies stealing from the public via JobsOhio.
http://bluntandcranky.wordpress.com/2013/07/31/kasich-and-his-corrupt-cronies-caught-stealing/We suspected it, and now we know it. Details at the link.
A song for his trip: J.J. Cale and Eric Clapton play "After Midnight" live
&feature=youtu.beThese gents show us that old age and treachery (and a good bit of genius) make for awesome music. RIP, J.J.

An Independent, Two Democrats and a Republican Walk into a Bar…
"OK, they actually walked into the Senate. And no, its not a joke. Senator Angus King (an Independent from Maine) and three others have introduced a bill that just might save our economic a**es when the next crisis rolls around. Its a re-invention of the Glass-Steagall Act, which was stupidly repealed in the 90?s: said idiotic repeal being one of the causes of the Bush Economic Collapse."
More at the link. We may be seeing "Tripartisanship" being created here.
Freedom of Speech: Not Quite Dead, but it’s Mostly Dead.
http://bluntandcranky.wordpress.com/2013/07/29/freedom-of-speech-not-quite-dead-but-its-mostly-dead/North Carolina and Wisconsin are jailing people for exercising their rights to free speech. In Wisconsin, you can be punished for just being nearby a protest. I remember when that happened before:

May 4th, 1970. Kids who had committed no crimes, and some who weren't even protesting, gunned down by a Republican administration that didn't tolerate dissent. Think it can't happen again? Think again.
It is already happening, in Texas, Wisconsin and North Carolina. They just aren't using live ammo on us. Yet.
Lots more at the link. Fuck the "Republicans".
Handing out Rubber Fetus Dolls to Little Kids? Yep. That’s the New Front in the War on Women.
"North Dakotas War on Women got totally crazy recently , as Pro-Life loons shoved rubber fetus dolls into the candy bags of little children, without their parents knowledge and consent. This, they call education. Actually, its an invasion of privacy akin to shoving condoms or other such materials into those bags. But never mind the rights of the parents and children, these anti-choice nutters are literally forcing their creepy little squishy propaganda toys onto preschoolers and first-graders. Heres the toy:?w=460
More at the link.
When a Centrist Independent is a more reliable vote for Democrats than, well, some Democrats...
All I can assume is that:
Number A: the "Democrats" who plan to abandon the party have swallowed the Republican's line of BS,
Letter 2: the "Democrats" who plan to abandon the party have swallowed the Naderesque line of BS, or
Thirdly: were never really Democrats in the first place.
Regardless, I have never missed an election, have never wavered in my support for Left and Center-Left candidates, have never voted a Republican ticket, and have helped the Democratic party in many ways over the decades. I just haven't joined the party for philosophical reasons.
So to all those who would have us believe that they are "True" Democrats and plan on sitting out the next election, or claim that Dems = Reeps, or spend their time trashing the Prexy and other elected Democrats instead of working to defeat the Repubs, here is my challenge.
Show up or shut up.
Let's see whether you really believe in stomping the s***out of the Republican agenda, or whether you'll lie back and let it happen.
Vote, God-fucking-dammit. Or you're even less of a Democrat than me.
(Donning Asbestos Y-Fronts)
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