Robbins's Journalwell fellow bernie supporters
I think it may be time for me to leave both DU and democratic party which i have been voting for since i turned 18 in 1992.
I refuse to support corporate neocon kissinger/reagan/bush lover clinton.I refuse to support a party anymore that is fine with
Clinton voter fraud just like bush did in 2000 and 2004.and who supports clintons who call us like tea party.
we knew clinton would win florida and NC.but losing 56% to 43% In ohio that really stings.dems were fine supporting free trader clinton as all those union bosses who sold out working class to support pro-nafta pro-tpp CLinton.
Bernie's 41% In NC is only decent showing throughout the south.
now bernie may pull off win in my state of Missouri.he's ahead 51 to 48 at present.and he's down 48 in illinois
basicly it's been proven this isn't the democratic's the clinton party.too many are blind to her.and DU shows suspposed dems will support anything she does.
Winning Mo alone isn't going to blunt this.
I don't care if clinton or trump wins.both are enemies of progressives and what dems used to stand for.
Democratic party isn't progressive's corporate neocon party.they fool progressives just like GOP fools relgious voters.
When trump wins they can't say we didn't warn them.
face it
we lost.Ohio called for clinton.she could win all 5 tonight.she is ahead in every state.
well dems want to go off the cliff and nominate a DINO who could lose to trump.
I defently will be staying home in november.i won't ever vote for clinton.
Bad news
1% In with ohio and clinton leads 71% to 27% higher that her early leads in ohio and NC.
Looks like bernie went to court for nothing and bill clinton helped her steal another state.
Well seems like i was right
with 2% in Clinton is leading in florida 62% to 36% I doudt that changes.when bernie wins like in michigan he starts out ahead.
like rest of south they will go for clinton.
It looks like trump may beat rubio in florida.
from twitter-Illinois exit polls
bernie winning hispanics 65 to 35.David shuster reporting it on twitter.saying if that holds clinton loses ill
according to CNN exit polls
Clinton is winning women by 1%
plus bernie is doing better in Michigan with blacks than in south.
edit-they changed it to clinton 52% Bernie 46% with women
from twitter-Michigan exit polls
honest and trustworthy-Bernie 80% Clinton 58%
from what i hear on twitter encourging signs for michigan amest turnout and running out of ballets.reports also of some voters they are attempting to turn away.
It's funny
because i won't support clinton i am now called republican
This is big problem with clinton supporters.if you dare not to support clinton and is critical of her suddenly your a republican.doesn't
matter if you voted for dems for years.from time i turned 18 in 1992 i voted dem yet now i am suddenly republican
first off we were racists,and we still get called that
then were were sexists
then anti-women
then we were called tea party by bill clinton
and now we are republicans.
so if DWS and super delegates steal it for clinton with voter fraud they really think all us bernie supporters will vote for clinton
about hispanic vote
Clinton supporters claim she got 66% of the vote of hispanics tuesday then how did bernie do so well In Colorado even winning In heavy latino districts.
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