MannyGoldstein's JournalReuters: Democratic support for Hillary drops 15 points since February
Support for Clinton's candidacy has dropped about 15 percentage points since mid-February among Democrats, with as few as 45 percent saying they would support her in the last week, according to a Reuters/Ipsos tracking poll. Support from Democrats likely to vote in the party nominating contests has dropped only slightly less, to a low in the mid-50s over the same period.
Even Democrats who said they were not personally swayed one way or another by the email flap said that Clinton could fare worse because of it, if and when she launches her presidential campaign, a separate Reuters/Ipsos poll showed.
The polling showed that nearly half of Democratic respondents - 46 percent - agreed there should be an independent review of all of Clinton's emails to ensure she turned over everything that is work-related.
Personally, I think if we vote the same people back into office
we'll get better results than we got before.
No, really
Good night.
Question submitted by MannyGoldstein
The Hard Left simply doesn't realize how damned difficult it is
to carry two cell phones.
Let's get real for a moment: because the Hard Left doesn't know enough to do pragmatic favors for Jamie, Lloyd, and the other shrewd businessmen who love their country, they're usually broke and could never afford two cell phones.
Well, as a person who can afford two cell phones, let me tell you: carrying two cell phones is damned difficult work. (No, having your assistant carry them doesn't make it any easier, nice try.)
So, Moonbats, until you've walked a mile in another woman's (beautifully-crafted!) shoes, stop being Republicans. Just pipe down and let the pros handle this.
Third-Way Manny
Tehran Tom's political career is over
Remember when Republicans shut down the government last year, and it was an utter fiasco for them? Most Americans were furious at that stunt, and Republicans ended up totally capitulating?
Well, I haven't been watching the news for some months, but I'm guessing that Republicans must have paid dearly at the ballot box last November. And the lunatic ringleader of that collosal @#$& up, a Canadian-born fellow IIRC, has probably never been heard from again. LOL, people once spoke of him as a Presidential contender.
We-never-take-advantage-of-this-stuff Manny
I damned well AM ...
I am a Liberal, and am damned proud to be labeled as such.
By all means, bludgeon me with it; it hurts so good!
First-Way Manny,
Liberal, Liberal, Liberal.
Flaming, screaming, confessed Liberal.
Damn! You bet!
This won't end pretty
47 Senators telling the world that our President is irrelevant.
Either the President steps in with both fists balled and a ready knee, or it will be even far worse.
There will be a big @#$%in' fight (and there will be drama), there's no avoiding it. The only question is how big. If our side doesn't choose the ground and the time, the other side will, and that will suck that much worse.
Good luck to all of us.
Why do Third Wayers hate being called Third Wayers?
I keep reading complaints, by people who seem to basically embrace the Third Way's positions, claiming that they've been deeply wounded by being called Third-Wayers.
Since I'm not the brightest bulb in the chandelier; perhaps someone can explain what's up? And if you've been called a Third Wayer and are offended, can you help us to understand why you're upset by it? Or is it that your opinions substantially diverge from theirs?
I never, ever thought I'd see the day
when people who call themselves progressive Democrats excuse a vote to wage war in Iraq.
Sorry, I don't see this as a gray area. It was nothing but staggering stupidity or staggering malevolence, and neither is acceptable to me, nor should it be acceptable to you.
I find it very hard to believe
that many people could defend Hillary Clinton's email shenanigans.
Something doesn't compute.
I find it to be both bizarre and disturbing.
Profile Information
Name: Manny GoldsteinGender: Male
Hometown: Greater Boston
Home country: USA
Current location: Remulak, as far as I can tell
Member since: Tue Aug 30, 2005, 08:44 AM
Number of posts: 34,589