jberryhill's JournalOkay, don't tell anybody... this is the REAL plan for "The Interview"
They set up a website at SeeTheInterview.com where, for the mere entry of a credit card number and expiration date, you can watch the movie.
So, every data thief is going to use a stolen credit card number to watch it.
"Too much Sony drama"
The threat became a convenient foil for Sony's worsening headlines, and has been re-reported to extremes, fanning flames of terrorist attack hysteria from Hollywood to Fox News, to the US Government. As media attention shifted to the alleged threat, the White House decided that the Sony hack was now a 'serious national security matter'. Despite the lack of credible evidence that North Korea is behind the attack, and the FBI saying there's nothing linking North Korea to the Sony hack, many now believe it to be true, helped along with outlets like the Washington Post stating "intelligence officials" believe with "99% certainty it's gotta be North Korea.
The whole thing turned into even more of a three-ring circus Wednesday when the New York Times and other outlets announced that an 'unnamed source' at the White House said it was North Korea, followed by a named source from the White House Thursday morning saying the White House refused to confirm North Korea as the culprit.
By Thursday, the amount of respected infosec professionals, researchers, hackers and professional security researchers calling the North Korea theory out as BS is truly a news story unto itself. Sony's poor reaction to everything about this attack isn't escaping seasoned infosec industry members. One called it "beyond the realm of the stupid."
Interesting links in article.
Initially, the hackers were demanding money, is that correct?
Odd thing about the right and Cubans
Ask them whether we should grant citizenship to people who enter the uS unlawfully.
I've been waiting for one to say, "I suppose now Obama will grant amnesty to illegals from Cuba."
Um, wait....
Police Killings In Jamaica - Race Not A Factor, Figures Much Higher
Since 2000, security forces have reported killing nearly 3,000 people on the island of 2.7 million. Last year, 258 people died at the hands of law enforcement. In comparison, police fatally shot 13 people last year in Chicago, a US city with the same population as Jamaica.
Almost all of those killed have been written off by police as armed criminals who died in shootouts. A tiny percentage of the cases have made it to the courts, and only one Jamaican officer has been convicted of an unlawful killing since 2006, according to a 2013 human rights report by the US State Department.
I just got a call from the "Computer Support Department"
...which sounded like it was located in a foreign call center.
Usually I pretend to be playing along and acting really, really dumb by misinterpreting every one of their instructions.... "Wait, you want me to turn the internet off? I don't know how to do that!"
Eventually they get fed up, or I get tired of acting, and we do not part amicably.
Today it was:
"Que? No hablo Ingles. Espanol por favor."
For a moment there, when I got that the guy understood what I was asking, and was going to either take a stab at it or switch me to someone else.
But, alas, he was not up to my blowing smoke up his ass in Spanish either, but he very politely apologized for not speaking Spanish.
It's good to know the scammers have upped their customer service standards.
Have we had the "Thanksgiving Dinner Ends In Shooting" story yet?
And, if not, is there a pool on which state gets to claim firsties?
I'll put in a spot on Pennsylvania. Texas and Florida nutballs come and go, but there's a respectably steady supply of them in PA.
Kentucky: Obama/2012 - 37% Lundergan-Grimes/2014 - 41%
No matter how you slice it, Allison Lundergan Grimes received a higher percentage of the Kentucky vote in a midterm election than President Obama did in the presidential vote in 2012.
This simple observation does not support the conclusion that being perceived as more closely aligned with President Obama would have helped her against a longstanding incumbent Senator.
I would think Kentuckians would find Mitt Romney to be much less desirable a candidate than Mitch McConnell.
Medical Testing Question....
Okay, so there are saliva tests, urine tests, stool tests, blood tests and so on.
Are there any fart tests? I mean, could you learn diagnostic information from the composition of farts?
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