Honeycombe8's JournalThe elite white men of late involved in sex scandals
I don't normally focus on appearance of those in politics (except as relates to statistics on the type most likely to win or lose in an area), but really...look at the pics of these elite privileged white men who have been involved in sex scandals. I mean, really. Aren't these men some of the most sexually unappealing men ever? It's not like their good character, wit, & charm overcomes their appearance. (Consider also that some of these guys insist the women who work for them look like models.)
Kavanaugh & Mark Judge
Elliott Broidy
Mueller needs to wrap it up, looks like.
If there's going to be a chance of completing the investigation at all and issuing a report, he has to do it soon. If he waits much longer, the investigation will be ended (or cut off at the knees), and any report he issues won't be released to the public. Maybe not even to Congress as a whole, just to the investigation committees, and designated classified.
Trump will then tell everyone it exonerates him completely of anything and everything, and he may release some flattering excerpts as backup.
Alaska man pleads guilty to assaulting woman and gets a 'pass'
Source: CNN
A man in Anchorage, Alaska, pleaded guilty to assaulting a woman who said he strangled her unconscious and sexually assaulted her. The man then walked out of court with no prison sentence.
"But I would like the gentleman to be on notice that this is his one pass," prosecutor Andrew Grannik said in court Wednesday, CNN affiliate KTVA reported. "It's not really a pass, but given the conduct, one might consider that it is."
Justin Schneider, 34, was accused of kidnapping and assaulting the woman on August 15, 2017, strangling her until she lost consciousness and then masturbating on her, court documents show.
Grannik said Schneider had lost his job as an air traffic controller for the federal government as a result of the case. Grannik said that was a "life sentence," according to KTVA.
Read more: https://www.cnn.com/2018/09/21/us/alaska-assault-man-no-sentence/index.html
So it was punishment enough that he lost his job, since that's a "life sentence"? Words escape me. This says it all about the attitude of some about the crime of assaulting women. Pointing his finger at the perp and speaking sternly that the perp is on notice, that he can do this sort of thing only once and get away with it.
I'm thinking this isn't the first time this guy did this. And won't be the last.
I fear the latest so-called scandal re Rosenstein means he'll be fired.
And when Rosenstein goes, so will the Mueller investigation.
This latest so-scandal involving Rosenstein (https://www.democraticunderground.com/10142162245), is very suspicious. It comes at a time in which Trump has been repeatedly asking for FBI documents to be declassified so they can be released to the public to show how biased the intel agencies have been against him.
He's been railing against Sessions again lately, about having no AG because he wrongly recused himself from the Mueller investigation.
He has flirted with firing Rosenstein before, but apparently backed off after getting serious negative feedback on that.
Now suddenly, boom...there's a big scandal purportedly showing that Rosenstein has discussed the 25th amendment with others, and has even discussed taping Trump in the W.H.
Whether true or not, I think this is a setup to justify the much longed for firing of Rosenstein. Rosenstein oversees the Mueller investigation.
The beginning of the massacre of all those who won't fire everyone who doesn't fire Mueller and end the investigation.
I hope I'm wrong. But the timing and the circumstances is suspicious. And the source of some of this info? McCabe FBI memos. McCabe...who Trump has fired already and who Trump claims was biased against Trump.
"All In" with Chris Hayes has friend of Ford on....
Her name is Samantha. I think she said that it was scuttlebut...the incident with Kavanaugh...at the time. But maybe she's talking about more recently? Kavanaugh & Judge were acquaintances of this guest, though she has nothing specific to say about them. She didn't really know them.
I walked in after her interview started. If anyone got a better handle on what she said....
Keith Boykin, CNN, tweet regarding Murkowski
https://twitter.com/keithboykin/status/1042155228894777349A bad poll for Texas mid-terms
Not meaning to focus on bad news, but I think it's beneficial to know the whole story, not just the good parts.
Texas Democrats need a big turnout to win. Polls suggest they won't get it.
A new Quinnipiac University poll of the Texas Senate race finds Republican Sen. Ted Cruz leading Democrat Beto O'Rourke by a 9-point margin. That's Cruz's best poll in over two months, and an increase from his 6-point advantage last month in the Quinnipiac University poll.
Some of this change could be statistical noise, but Quinnipiac also changed the population it was polling between surveys. They went from registered to likely voters.
Not all voters actually cast a ballot in an election. That's why it's important to poll the subset of voters who actually will.
The Quinnipiac poll is at https://poll.qu.edu/texas/release-detail?ReleaseID=2570
I am hoping Beto wins this thing. But this poll is not good news. They need to GOTV there...some surprise voters. Maybe young people? Women? The poll says women are divided as 50 percent back Cruz and 48 percent back O'Rourke.
I wonder how they identify likely voters? I'm a likely voter in reality, but because I moved last year and voted in the one local election we had, I may not be on any 'likely voter" list. Maybe I am. I don't know how they identify the likely voters.
House nixes drug prices in TV ads
https://seekingalpha.com/news/3390778-house-nixes-drug-prices-tv-adsThere may be a ray of hope for proponents, though. HHS Secretary Alex Azar says the disclosure of drug prices falls under "fair balance" risk and benefit regulation. Whether he will use his authority to force pharma companies to comply is unknown.
This is one instance where controlling the House would make a difference, even though we don't control the Senate.
If Democrats hadn't voted Yay for Clarence Thomas, he wouldn't be a S.Ct. Justice.
I saw on tv a Democratic Senator state that he was undecided on whether to vote to confirm Kavanaugh. Undecided? Seriously? An obvious tool/operative, who lies at the hearing, and is selected because he'll back Trump up in whatever Trump wants. And they may vote to confirm? The Democratic Party leaders need to exert pressure on Democrats who may vote to confirm Kavanaugh. In reviewing how Clarence Thomas, a terrible S.Ct. nominee, became a Justice, I saw that a handful of Democrats voted for him. Thomas got confirmed with a scant majority of 52 to 48. If Democrats hadn't voted for him, he would not be a Justice.
11 Democrats voted Yay. Only 2 Republicans voted against confirmation.
Democrats need to focus on getting Democrats to vote together, like Republicans do. The Senators have a right to vote how they want. But there's nothing wrong with leaders bearing down on Senators to have them vote the party line. Republicans have this bearing down procedure down pat.
It is possible....just possible....that Kavanaugh wouldn't be confirmed, if no Democratic Party Senator voted to confirm him. If a couple of Republicans vote Nay (a long shot), they'd have 49 votes to confirm vs. 51 votes against IF no Democratic Senator voted to confirm and the two independents did also (Angus King, Bernie Sanders).
It is also possible that every single Republican Senator will vote to confirm, because you can believe that the Republican Senate leaders will bear down hard on them on what they view as their once in a lifetime chance to get their operative in the S.Ct. who will knock down everything they disagree with: abortion rights, doing away with Social Security and Medicare, etc.
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