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un·der·mine transitive verb \ˌən-dər-ˈmīn\: to make (someone or something) weaker or less effective usually in a secret or gradual way
Full Definition of UNDERMINE
1 : to excavate the earth beneath : form a mine under : sap
2 : to wash away supporting material from under
3 : to subvert or weaken insidiously or secretly <trying to undermine his political rivals>
4 : to weaken or ruin by degrees
from Mirriam-Webster dictionary
Myrna and Bert
Myrna taught in the history department at the university. Once or twice a month she would show up for FAC. Her conversation was delightful, precisely because she clearly knew what she was talking about. Getting a seat at her table was a treat. And if you disagreed about something shed ask questions to determine the reason; more often than not, shed smile and thank you for giving her something to think about. Her enviable depth of knowledge was accompanied by a sparkling wit that never ever veered into the cutting or unkind. Myrna, all 51 of her, was disinclined to yelling and pounding her fist on the bar to make a point; she once told me that she had no desire to either look ridiculous or lose credibility. We were always glad to see her walk in the door, and not just because she was a generous tipper.
Bert was one of Myrnas colleagues in the history department, every bit as knowledgeable even though he was a few years younger. He could be a boatload of fun, especially if he woke up in a good mood that day. On other days, you learned to keep your mouth shut if you disagreed with him. Unlike his more diminutive counterpart, Bert had no aversion to pounding his fist on the bar to punctuate his comments; he seemed to enjoy watching the glasses bounce while the other patrons backed away. He learned to read the bartenders signal to the bouncer, and hed shut up long enough to finish his drink before throwing your tip at you along with a colorful expletive.
That bar was torn down many years ago, the space now occupied by a high-rise apartment building. Im told that Myrna died a while back, surrounded by her grandkids. Bert is spotted in the stands at a ball game now and then, but hes managed to avoid speaking with anyone from the old gang. I always envied Berts knowledge, but Myrna taught me more.
Will we see white smoke from the Supreme Court?
And which Koch brother will get to be pope of the corporate theocracy?
Pick one:
For Sale -- NOT
The Koch Brothers are pouring millions into Colorado's senate race. Cory Gardner has already sold himself to big oil. He may be for sale, but we aren't.
Um, er, okaaaay . . .
Social Security sent me a letter regarding my upcoming birthday. Given my now officially advanced age they are transitioning me from disability benefits to retirement benefits. No benefits will be removed, none will be added. There will be no increase or decrease in my monthly stipend. There will be no difference of any kind, they just wanted me to know about the change.
It bears repeating...
A Proper Candidate Selfie
Our congressional candidate, Vic Meyers, arrived through snow and ice. Very interesting conversation, given the Karl Rove generated race-swapping swamp on the other side of the ticket.
In stark contrast to all that effluenza Vic responds that he's in the race for us, not against them. Class.
Please get to know Vic. Visit his website (yes, you can contribute there).
And stop by his facebook page to compliment him on his new hat!/VicMeyersForCongress
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Gender: Do not displayCurrent location: Colorado
Member since: Sat Apr 21, 2007, 02:17 PM
Number of posts: 16,036